

Rhetoric Repetition in Petals Meal by Chi Zijian

【作者】 陈夏颖

【导师】 朱玲;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文探究迟子建小说《花瓣饭》的反复修辞策略,主要围绕三个方面展开:小说的意象反复与情节反复的关系、儿童视角导致的反复观察、在与其他作品的比较中分析《花瓣饭》的反复特色。在《花瓣饭》中出现多组的意象,引出这些意象的相对应人物的不同情节,意象反复造成情节反复,建构了语篇的叙事及情感线索。小说通过“我”的视角观察家中的五个人,表现了一家人有矛盾也有团结,有批判也有关怀的复杂关系。在单一语篇层面,意象和情节的反复成为《花瓣饭》叙事的起点和推动力;在多语篇比较层面,反复使《花瓣饭》具有独特性。本文采取从语言分析看语篇整体修辞设计的写作思路,运用广义修辞学的相关理论,也从叙事学里吸取了营养,希望为《花瓣饭》的研究做些补充性工作。

【Abstract】 This paper explores the rhetoric strategies in Petals Meal written by Chi Zijian, which consists of at least three perspectives:the relationship of repeated images and repeated plots on text, repeated observation through children’s perspective and the repetition characteristics of this text after comparing several novels.In this novel, there are several images which corresponding different persons and different plots. The repeated images cause the repetition of plots. Repeated images and repeated plots involve in the process of the text’s narrative and emotion construction.This novel observed the five persons in the family by the perspective of mine. The relationship of the family is very intricate. There are contradictions and criticism between them, but there are also unity and care in the family.The repeated images and plots are the starting point and impetus of this novel’s narrative. Comparing with other two novels of Chi Zijian, Petals Meal has its uniqueness by using the rhetoric repetition.The close examination of the overall rhetoric design by analysis of textual language is adopted as the writing thought. Moreover, the paper also draws lessons from correlative theory of General Rhetoric and Narratology. It is hoped that certain supplementation can be made to the better study of Petals Meal.
