

The Research on the Residents’ Fitness in Xiamen

【作者】 高丽洁

【导师】 周晓东;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 通过文献资料法、数理统计法、比较研究法等方法,以厦门市16周岁以上城市居民为调查对象,从厦门市城市居民参与健身的程度、居民体育消费水平、接受健身指导情况、参加健身活动的障碍、影响厦门市城市居民健身行为的因素等方面进行研究,得出厦门市城市居民健身活动的现状并提出相应的建议。即充分发挥政府的职能和作用加强宏观调控,增加体育人口,完善全民健身的地方性法规,从制度上建立保障体系,转变观念、强化意识,加强科学健身的宣传教育,广泛开展群众体育竞赛活动,建造并充分利用场馆设施,不断扩大和推广健身项目;强化社区体育组织建设,建立健全社会体育指导员制度,完善社区体育组织管理体制,协调组织关系;抓好学校体育基础工程,充分利用学校体育资源。

【Abstract】 Take the residents over 16 in Xiamen for the survey, the research is done to find out the situation of Xiamen urban residents’ fitness, which involves the factors that affect their body building behavior, the degree of participation in body building activities, the consuming level in sports as well as the residents’ acceptance of body building instructions. By means of the literature material law, mathematical statistics method and comparative approach, this essay aims to analysis the situation of the residents’ body-building activities and put forward some countermeasures, that is to give full play to the government’s function, strengthen macro-control, increase the sports population and improve the local laws and regulations on nationwide fitness so as to establish the institutional support system. Besides, it is essential not only to change the fitness idea, strengthen the awareness and give more publicity to the scientific body building, but to widely initiate fitness programs for the general public, build and make full use of the sports facilities, continuously popularize the fitness projects, and concentrate efforts on school sports education, etc.

【关键词】 健身活动城市居民厦门市
【Key words】 fitness activitiesurban residentsXiamen