

Design of Navigation Computer Based on FPGA

【作者】 崔丙寅

【导师】 吴俊伟; 刘少滨;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 控制工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 无陀螺捷联惯性导航系统(GFSINS)是指舍弃陀螺仪而直接把加速度计安装在载体上,通过对加速度计输出的比力信号进行解算从而得到导航参数的惯性导航系统。通常情况下,惯性导航系统中都是采用陀螺仪测量载体的角速度信息,采用高性能陀螺仪可以获得很高的导航精度,但是这需要很高的成本,而且当载体具有很大的线加速度或者很大的角速度时,需要陀螺承受很大的冲击,而陀螺仪最大的弱点就是抗冲击能力差。无陀螺捷联惯导系统因为舍弃了陀螺仪,与有陀螺的捷联惯导系统相比具有低成本、低功耗、反应速度快、动态范围大等优点。随着深亚微米技术的出现,现场可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)得到了迅猛发展,也使得可编程片上系统(SOPC)成为未来嵌入式系统设计技术发展的必然趋势。可编程片上系统,就是利用FPGA的方法实现系统级芯片设计的功能,将多种处理功能集成在一个FPGA器件中,可编程片上系统(SOPC)的要点在于,首先整个系统的主要逻辑功能都可以由单个芯片完成,其次通过软件编程就可以实现FPGA芯片内部逻辑资源的重新配置,可以根据需要对整个系统进行扩充、裁减或者升级。本论文根据以9个加速度计配置方案的无陀螺捷联导航计算机的特点和应用要求,提出了基于FPGA的无陀螺捷联惯性导航系统的硬件设计方案。整个系统主要包括数据采集模块和数据解算模块两部分。数据采集模块由STM32负责控制两片AD7656将9个加速度计输出的模拟信号转换为数字信号,负责数据解算任务的FPGA就可以更好的利用系统资源、计算效率更高,系统的整体性能就有了提高。数据解算模块采用Altera公司的FPGA芯片,利用SOPC技术完成FPGA内部硬件逻辑的构建,核心算法由高性能32位NiosⅡ处理器完成,基于FPGA的导航参数解算方案比较新颖,充分地利用了FPGA的优势以及NiosⅡ软核的性能,能够满足导航计算机的解算速率需求。最后完成了原理图和PCB设计,研制了实验样机,为无陀螺捷联惯性导航系统的进一步研究工作奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 Gyroscope Free Strapdown Inertial Navigation System (GFSINS) is a kind of Inertial Navigation System, accelerometers are directly installed in the carrier without using gyroscope. So acceleration is the exclusive in formation source, we can get all the navigation parameters by computing. Usually, we can get the angular velocity of the carrier by installing gyroscope. A high performance gyroscope can give a high precision navigation information, but it will cost a lot to buy a high performance gyroscope. When the carrier has a great line acceleration or a great angular velocity, the gyroscope will withstand a very big impact, which is the biggest drawback of gyroscope. Compared with the Platform type Inertial Navigation System The Strapdown Inertial Navigation System is high reliability, longevity, small volume and so on. Compared with Strapdown Inertial Navigation System with gyroscope, GFSINS is low cost, low power, promote reaction, wide dynamic range and so on. With the emergence of submicron technology, FPGA chips have become more and more popular, thus making the system on a programmable chip (SOPC) design the mainstream technique in embedded system design field.Take the features and application requirements of gyroscope free strapdown inertial navigation system with nine accelerometers into consideration, the thesis put forward a hardware design scheme of gyroscope free strapdown inertial navigation computer based on FPGA. The navigation computer system includes data acquisition module and data decoding module two parts. In the data acquisition module, two AD7656 chips will change the analog signals from nine accelerometers into digital signals controlled by STM32. Therefore, the FPGA can get more system resources, and the speed of calculating is faster than before, the performance of the system has improved too. In the data decoding module, the internal hardware logic of FPGA is constructed by SOPC technology. The key algorithm is accomplished by high-performance 32-bit processor NiosⅡ, in which realized the floating point arithmetic. Finally, the principle chart and PCB design is finished, making a test model, laying the foundation for the further research work of GFSINS.

【Key words】 GFSINSNavigation computerFPGASOPCSTM32DPRAM