

Research on the Improvement of Mobile Internet Enterprises Competence

【作者】 夏小健

【导师】 徐建中;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪第一个十年是互联网和移动通信业快速发展的十年,第二个十年是这二者的结合体——移动互联网行业迅速崛起的十年。但是,学术界对移动互联网的研究不具有全面性和系统性,论证亦不够严谨;并且对移动互联网企业竞争力的研究更为稀少。此外,在企业竞争力研究领域,研究体系虽较为成熟,但同样缺乏对各种新兴经济体的系统研究。论文首先阐述了国内外在移动互联网和企业竞争力方面的现有学术研究。其次,论文从移动互联网的发展概况开始,阐明其内涵,并将移动互联网企业划分为四种类型。接着,详细分析了移动互联网企业的用户结构特征、用户行为习惯和心理效应、用户需求等相关用户数据;进而研究了四种类型企业各自的盈利模式,并对其进行评价;同时,论文还对移动互联网企业目前的竞争力现状作了优势和劣势分析。在全面介绍移动互联网新兴经济体的基础上,论文从企业竞争力角度出发,将影响竞争力提升的因素分为内部维度和外部结构两大类,并各自通过建立模型对内外要素进行细分。在此基础上,对各要素再次细分,系统地介绍了影响移动互联网企业竞争力提升的诸多因素。为了使人们在诸多影响因素中迅速找到提升移动互联网企业竞争力的根本途径,论文首先分析了移动互联网企业竞争力提升的症结所在,以及竞争力提升的目标和原则,并在此基础上提出了产业生态系统的概念。论文认为,产业生态系统模式是移动互联网企业竞争力提升的根本途径。并在理论研究的基础上,研究了苹果、腾讯和谷歌三家国际型公司所具有的产业生态系统模式,以此作为理论论证的有效补充。在充分分析竞争力提升影响因素和根本提升途径的基础上,论文通过灰色关联度分析方法,首先研究了定量分析的原因、目的和原理。其次全面介绍了灰色关联度评价企业竞争力的主要步骤,并以前述影响因素和提升途径作为竞争力评价的主要指标,对国内三家著名移动互联网企业——中国移动、中国联通和中国电信的企业竞争力进行评价和排序。作为对移动互联网企业竞争力影响因素和提升途径研究的补充,论文最后从企业自身的角度,分析了移动互联网企业竞争力提升的内部和外部保障措施体系以及努力发展产业生态系统模式。

【Abstract】 The first decade of the 21st century is the rapid developing decade of the Internet Industry and Mobile Telecommunication Industry, and the second is the rising decade of the Mobile Internet Industry (MII), which is the combination of the previous two industries. However, in recent academic research of MII, there are lack of comprehensiveness, systematicness, and rigorous analysis. In addition, there are fewer researches on the competence of Mobile Internet Enterprise (MIE). Meanwhile, in the fields of enterprise competence, although the research systems are comprehensive, there is also lack of systematic research of emerging economies.Firstly, this paper illustrates the existing academic research of MII and enterprise competence at home and abroad. Then, beginning with the development of MII, the paper states MII’s connotation, and divides MIE into four types. Successively, the paper analyzes users’structures, the behaviors and habits, the psychological effects, the needs, and some other users’data of MIE. After that, the profit models of the four types of MIE are presented in detail, and also these models are evaluated. At last, the paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of enterprise competence of MIE in current situation.On the basis of the comprehensive introduction to this emerging economy of MII, the paper divides the influencing factors of improving enterprise competence into two categories: the internal dimension and the external structure. By establishing their respective models, the internal and external influencing factors are divided. After this division, the influencing factors are further subdivided, in order to find all the factors influencing the improvement of enterprise competence of MIE.In order to quickly seek the fundamental way of improving enterprise competence of MIE among so many influencing factors, the paper analyzes the key problems in the process of improvement, and states the goals and principals of improving enterprise competence. Based on the analysis, the concept of Industrial Ecosystem is put forward. It is considered that in this paper, the Mode of Industrial Ecosystem is the fundamental way of improving enterprise competence of MIE. After the theoretical research, three global enterprises are used as cases to illustrate their respective Mode of Industrial Ecosystem, which are the supplementary applications of the theoretical analysis. After the research of influencing factors and fundamental way, the paper introduces the reasons, the objectives, and the principles of quantitative analysis, just through the Gray Relation Analysis (GRA). Then, the major steps of GRA are stated in details in this paper, and the previous influencing factors and fundamental way are used as leading indictors to evaluate and rank three famous domestic MIEs:China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom.As a complement to the research of influencing factors and improving ways of enterprise competence of MIE, the paper finally analyzes the internal and external safeguard measures of improving competence from the view of MIEs themselves, and tries their best to develop the Mode of Industrial Ecosystem.
