

Mooring Dynamics Study of Floating Body Based on the Coupled Analysis

【作者】 付爽

【导师】 秦洪德;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 系泊系统是保证海洋工程设施系统结构中的重要组成部分,是支撑浮体抵抗风、波浪和流的重要手段之一。基于弹性杆原理建立的系泊线的计算模型可以模拟系泊线在三维空间中的任意几何形态,是研究系泊线运动特性的有效计算模型之一。系泊系统和浮式结构物之间的相互影响作用即耦合效应也是设计平台和系泊系统的重要因素之一。本文首先对浮体-系泊系统进行准动态时域耦合分析,运用基于该方法的软件对Spar平台的运动特性及其系泊系统进行计算研究。然后运用弹性杆理论对系泊线进行深入研究,通过分析弹性杆微元弧段的平衡推导出弹性杆微元的平衡方程,将得到的离散形式的系泊线静力和动力分析的运动方程分别使用牛顿迭代法和亚当斯-莫尔顿法对方程进行数值求解,同时使用线性弹簧模拟平坦海底,研究系泊线与海底接触问题。其次分析了浮体在流体中的六个自由度下的运动特性,推导出运动方程,并在时域下进行数值求解。在分析了浮体和系泊线的运动特性后深入研究了浮体和系泊线的耦合效应,使用弹簧和阻尼器模拟系泊线和浮体之间的连接,并运用相同的数值方法,使浮体和系泊系统的运动响应在时域内进行同步求解。本文在推导出矩阵形式的系泊线运动微分方程的刚度矩阵后,运用Fortran语言编制系泊线静力分析和动力分析计算程序,运用耦合分析软件HARP对浮体-系泊系统进行基于有限元法的全耦合分析,并与基于准动态分析的锚泊系统软件Ariane7的计算结果作比较,证明了考虑浮体和系泊系统之间耦合效应的重要性,并得到了两种耦合分析方法的适用范围。

【Abstract】 Mooring system is one of the important part which guarantees the safty of the ocean engineering structures. And it is one of the important structures that resist the platform from the efficiency of the wind, wave and current. The calculation model which is based on the principle of slender rods can simulate the random geometry configuration of the mooring line in the three-dimension. The interaction between the mooring system and the floating body which is called the coupled efficiency. The coupled efficiency is one of the significant factors during the designing of the platform and the mooring system.First of all, the quasi-dynamic coupled analysis of the floating body-mooring system is described. Then some calculation researches on the motion characteristics have been done by using a software which is based on the quasi-dynamic coupled analysis. The research on the mooring line is under the theory of the slender rods. The motion equations of the slender rods have been derived by analyzing the equilibrium of the micro-unit. Using the Newton iteration method and Adams-Moulton method to solve the discrete form equations of the static and the dynamic analysis respectively. Linear spring is used to simulate the flat seabed. The contact problem between mooring line and the seabed has been studied. The motion characteristics in six degrees of freedomof the floating body are described. And the motion equation is solved under the time domain. After the above researches on the floating body and the mooring system, the coupled analysis between them is lucubrated. The spring and the damper are used to simulate the connection of the platform and the mooring line. The characteristics of the platform and the mooring line are solved in time domain synchronously.After get the stiffness martrix of the differential equation under the matrix form, the calculation program of the static and dynamic analysis is complied by using the Fortran language. The fully coupled analysis software HARP is used to calculate the platform-mooring system. And compare the results of fully coupled analysis with the quasi-dynamic analysis software Ariane7. The significance of the coupled efficiency between platform and the mooring system has been proved, and the application scope of these two methods has been researched.
