

【作者】 姚永仲

【导师】 张世涛;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着对清洁能源及低碳的环保要求,地热作为重要的能源之一,愈来愈显出其独特、方便而有用的一面,云南省地热资源比较丰富,许多地方都开采地热,成功利用地热于生活、生产或商用,而人们也越来越关心温泉水的耐久性,安全性和可持续性等,从而引起开发地热问题的研究,比如资源量,或地热成因,或地热开发管理等问题。在1:5万地质调查中,弥渡县、巍山县、祥云县、苴力镇四幅图刚好覆盖了弥渡县分区。本文以弥渡县(E100°19’-100047’,N24°47’-25°32’之间)的硖石洞温泉,石咀温泉和金龙温泉为研究对象,在研究他人资料的基础上,较全面地分析了该区温泉地质区域背景、地热分布与赋存特点、水文地球化学特征、并利用SiO2温标计算了热储温度和循环深度、并试着总结了该区温泉在大地热流、构造、地质岩性等方面的成因模式。与水-岩作用有关,温泉水含丰富的矿物组分,研究区的温泉水化学成分中,最多的阴离子是HCO3-,其次是SO42-或Cl-;最多的阳离子为Na+,其次为Ca2+、K+、Mg2+,全区水化学类型均为HCO3--Na+型,泉水均为低矿化度的软水,而径流通过了岩浆岩地区的泉水,显示了含有部分的Cl-特点。地热在很大程度上受热储结构的控制,从研究上看,三个温泉都是带控热储,其中,硖石洞温泉和石咀温泉的热储层可能位于岩浆岩区产生的断层挫动带,而金龙温泉的热储层可能是中-新生代的沉积层。本文利用化学温标计算了热储的温度范围在93.5-110.35℃,根据热储温度利用地热增温率估算了循环深,利用同位素值推测补给源为大气降水,并估算了补给高程就位于弥渡盆地山区,该区温泉是典型的中低温对流型地热系统。温泉水有因含偏硅酸和F-等化学成分,对于长期洗浴,可能具一定的医疗作用,从测试的水中成分看,适宜作为生活和工业用水。

【Abstract】 Clean and low consumption energy in our great requirements, geothermal energy becomes a more important one, showing it’s unique and more convenient in Yunnan province than that in many other places, successful use of geothermal energy in life, often simple. But it brings several problems such as resources, or geothermal origin, or geothermal development management.In the general survey project of land and resources—1:50000 regional geological survey, Midu site, Xiangyun site, Weishan site and Juli site justly cover the whole Midu region. In this paper. we choose three hot springs such Jiashidong, Shizui and Jinlong spa in Midu. (E100°19’-E100°47’, N 24°47’-N25°32’).Yunnan. China. as our object, we study the base dates and analyze the regional geological background, geothermal distribution and occurrence characteristics of hydro geochemical characteristics, in article, we calculated temperature scale using SiO2, show the temperature and depth of thermal energy storage, and try to sum up the hot spring area in the terrestrial heat flow, tectonic, geological litho logy, and the formation model.From interaction related to water-rock, the hot spring water is rich in mineral composition, the study area, the largest anion is HCO3-, in hot spring water chemical composition, followed by SO42-or Cl-; most cations is Na+, followed by Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, the region chemical types are HCO3--Na+, springs are soft water with low salinity, and runoff areas of igneous rocks by the spring, showing some of the Cl" containing features.Geothermal heat storage structure is largely controlled from the research point of view, it is to take control of the three hot springs geothermal reservoir, in which, Jiashidong Spring and that of Shizui spa, and hot magma reservoir may be located in the fault zone had been frustrated Moving belt, and Jinlong Hot Springs geothermal reservoir can be in-Cenozoic sedimentary layer. And the temperature scale was calculated using chemical, and the temperature range of heat storage from93.5℃to 110.35℃, the temperature under the thermal energy storage and utilization of geothermal warming rate to estimate the deep circulation, by using isotope, supply source is atmospheric precipitation, and we estimated recharge elevation, which is located Midu Basin mountains, so that, hot springs area is a typical type of low temperature geothermal convective systems.A result of hot spring water containing silicic acid and F-ions and other chemical composition, if you have a bath every several days, possibly with certain medical effects on your health. from the test view, invovling water constituents, the springs in Midu are suitable for domestic and industrial use.

【关键词】 温泉热储成因模式弥渡
【Key words】 springgeothermal resourcesgeothermal reservoirsMidu