

【作者】 孙红伟

【导师】 江月兰;

【作者基本信息】 广州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,我国研究生数量巨大,随着我国教育政策、方针的变化,研究生的招生规模也日趋增大,从2003年研究生开始扩招到现在,每年在校的研究生就是一个庞大的受教育群体。高等学校和科学研究机构招收攻读硕士学位研究生的培养目标是:“德、智、体全面发展,在本门学科内掌握坚实的基础理论和系统的专门知识;掌握一门外国语;具有从事科学研究、教学工作或独立担负专门技术工作的能力。”在这种大的教育环境下,一个良好的教育环境和体系无疑对研究生的成材以及日后的发展起至关重要的作用。然而,目前我国研究生的教育培养体系明显还存在一定的漏洞和不足,虽然在研究生在培养目标和专业技能方面有了很大的改善和提高,但对于德、智、体全面的发展还有一定的差距。本研究运用文献资料法、访谈法、逻辑推理法、比较分析法等多种研究方法,对当前研究生体育健康现状以及存在的问题进行了全面的分析,指出一些毛病和弊端,并针对现状提出了建议和要求。通过对广州市10所普通高校硕士研究生参与体育锻炼的现状和研究生体育课程设置的现状进行调查研究,旨在全面了解广州市普通高校研究生体育锻炼现状和健康状况以及研究生体育健康课的设置状况,找出存在的问题,分析影响广州市普通高校研究生参与体育锻炼的原因,以及对开展研究生体育与健康课的合理性与否,提出建议。以便为广州市普通高校体育决策部门组织和管理研究生体育锻炼活动等工作提供依据,为研究生参加体育锻炼提供一些理论参考,为推动高校体育深化改革提供经验借鉴和理论依据。目前,我国的学者通过大量的研究,针对全国以及各个省份研究生学校体育方面的现状,进行了大量的调查和分析,同时也结合我国的实际国情,通过比较分析我国与其它欧美国家的现状,学习和借鉴别人的先进经验。本文通过调查主要得出以下结论:(1)广州市普通高校硕士研究生开设体育健康课的现状不容乐观,只有两所学校对研究生开设体育选修课;研究生普遍对体育健康课认识不足,维权意识淡薄。(2)研究生的作息时间一般比较混乱,饮食也不规律,可以借助体育锻炼改善不良的生活习惯;广州市普通高校应组建一支高学历、高水平的研究生教师队伍。研究生体育健康课应以按选修课或俱乐部等多种形势组织;大部分研究生对体育运动感兴趣,认为很有必要开设体育健康课;认为课的形式应是俱乐部或选修课,希望选择自己锻炼或与同学结伴锻炼。(3)广州市经济发达,属亚热带季风气候,适合人们参加各种形式的体育锻炼;羽毛球是广州市高校硕士研究生主要喜欢的项目;调查数据显示被调查的研究生平均年龄只有23.77岁,这个阶段正是人体体能和运动兴趣的一个高峰期。(4)研究生锻炼的主要目的是锻炼身体、增强体质、缓解压力、希望开设两个学期的体育健康课,且研一开设,每周开设2节体育课,希望实践课多一点,在体育知识方面主要侧重基本技战术、锻炼的方法、保健养生;每次体育锻炼的时间在1-2个小时,强度保持在中小强度;希望通过锻炼,达到心情舒畅,感觉愉快。(5)没有一个研究生体育健康标准,没有建立起研究生健康档案,忽视了研究生的德智体全面发展。通过对广州市高校硕士研究生开设体育与健康课现状做定性定量的分析,目的在于了解研究生的开展体育健康课现状及研究生的体育锻炼愿望,从而制定相关体育措施,进一步推进学习体育工作及研究生的体质健康。其研究的意义:1、为广州市高校研究生开设体育健康课提供改革思路,为进一步完善高校体育与健康课程学习体系提供理论依据。2、制定广州市高校研究生开设体育健康课的措施,优化广州市普通高校研究生体育健康课结构,为研究生的体质健康奠定基础。3、进一步完善广州市普通高校研究生体育与健康课的研究,为其他兄弟省、市的研究生体育教育提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 At present, China’s huge number, along with China’s graduate education policy, the policy changes, dimensions of graduate student recruit students also is increasing, from 2003 to graduate enrollment to now, each graduate students has become a huge education groups by. Institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutions recruit study for a master’s degree graduate training target is: to develop morally, intellectually and physically, in this subject inside master solid foundation theory and system of specialized knowledge; To master a foreign language; Has engaged in scientific research, teaching work or independent ability to work for special techniques. In this big education environment, a good education environment and system of the postgraduate undoubtedly ridgepole and future development of the crucial role. However, at present our country graduate education training system obviously has some loopholes, although the shortage in the graduate training target and professional skills and has made a lot of improvement and enhancement, but for all-rounded development and a certain gap.This study by literature data method, questionnaire and logical reasoning method, comparative analysis of current postgraduate research methods to sports health status and existing problems, and points out that some comprehensive analysis of the problems and defects, and puts forward Suggestions on the actuality and requirements. Through to guangzhou 10 common universities graduate student participation in sports exercise status and graduate student sports curriculum, aiming at the investigation to fully understand the guangzhou average college graduate student physical exercise status and health and graduate student sports health class Settings condition, find out the existing problems and analyze influence ordinary university graduate students in guangzhou, the reasons for taking part in physical exercise and physical education and health course graduate of rationality or not, the author puts forward some Suggestions. So for guangzhou PE decision department organization and management graduate student physical exercise activities to provide the basis for the graduate student take part in physical exercise, provide some theoretical reference, and to promote college sports deepening reform provide experience learning and theoretical basis. At present, China’s scholars through a lot of research on the national and the various provinces graduate schools sports status and a lot of investigation and analysis, also combined with the actual condition of our country, through the comparative analysis between China and other countries in Europe and America the status quo, and learn from it don’t others advanced experience.This article through the survey of the major draw the following conclusions: (1) the guangzhou average college graduate student of open sports health class optimistic, only two schools to offer PE elective courses for graduate students. Graduate of sports health class generally inadequate understanding. Rights consciousness. (2) postgraduate schedules is compared commonly disorderly, diet also don’t rule, can use the physical exercise to improve bad living habits. Guangzhou university shall organize a highly educated, high levels of graduate student teachers. Graduate student sports health class according to elective course should wait for a variety of new situation and club held. Most graduate students interested in sports, think it is necessary to offer PE health class. Think class forms should be is a club or elective courses, hope to choose their rooms with classmates or exercise, or. (3) the guangzhou economic developed, subtropical monsoon climate, suitable for people to participate in various forms of exercise. Badminton is guangzhou university graduate student main like project. Survey figures showed an average age of graduate students surveyed 23.77 years old, this stage only human energy and the motion is a peak interest. (4) postgraduate exercise’s main purpose is to exercise and strengthen physique, relieve pressure, hope to open two semesters of sports health class open, and a weekly grind open 2 PE lessons, hope practice class more, in sports knowledge, basic tactical, focuses on the method of exercise, health-care regimen. Each exercise time in 1-2 hours, strength in small and medium strength to keep. Hope that through exercise, reach in a relaxed mood, to feel happy. (5) without a graduate student physical health standard, no established graduate student health records, has neglected the graduate student’s all-round development.Through open to guangzhou university graduate student sports and health class qualitative and quantitative analysis of status, purpose lies in understanding graduate conduct sports health class status and graduate physical exercise desire, thus to formulating relevant sports measures, further advance the study sports work and graduate physical health. The study of theoretical and practical significance: 1, for guangzhou college graduate student sports health class open offer for further reform thinking, perfection of college physical education and health course learning system provides theory basis. 2, formulation guangzhou college graduate student sports health class open measures of ordinary university graduate , optimizing the guangzhou sports health class structure, for graduate physique healthy lay the foundation. 3, further improve the guangzhou average college graduate student physical education and health course of research, to other brother provincial, municipal education provides reference for the graduate student sports.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期