

The Culture Right in People’s Livelihood

【作者】 梅圆

【导师】 赵中源;

【作者基本信息】 广州大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以文化权利为主题,不拘囿于国际人权范围内讨论,将民生作为讨论中国当代文化权利的背景。所以,民生与文化权利的关联,民生视野下文化权利的实现机制是本文的两大重点问题。根据这两大问题,本文由文化权利概述、民生与文化权利的关系、现阶段民众文化权利现状考察、民生视野下文化权利的实现机制这四大部分组成。文化权利概述是本文主体研究的基础。在中国民生环境下,文化权利即是民众所享有维持自己生活方式与价值观的权利。此时的文化权利有着它的新特点,即普遍性、独立性、基本性、开放性。文化权利的基本内涵包括:文化认同权与文化合作权;参与文化生活与接受教育的权利;文化创造的权利及由此带来的物质精神收益保护的权利;享受科学进步与文化信息权。民生与文化权利有着紧密的关联性。文化权利成为当代民生发展中重要的、有机的构成要素,也是整个民生的重要衡量指标。文化权利的保障是当代民生建设的重要推动力。民生建设为文化权利的保障提供了相应的环境与条件。现阶段民生环境下,各项文化权利的实施结果各不相同。在文化权利的实施过程中又出现了一些新特点、新要求与新挑战,其挑战主要在于民众文化权利意识淡薄,文化资源享受不均,文化权利在法律与政策上保障力弱。根据文化权利出现的特点与挑战,笔者提出文化权利意识的培育、社会文化资源的利用、文化权利实现中的保障三大重要机制。

【Abstract】 Culture right is the theme of this passage; author studies it with people’s livelihood, not only with human right. So, the relation of people’s livelihood and culture right, how to realize the culture right in people’s livelihood are two key points. Base on them, this passage formed with four parts: the general introduction of culture right, the relation of culture right and people’s livelihood, the study of current situation about culture right carrying out, how to realize the culture right in people’s livelihood.The general introduction of culture right is the basis of the theme. In people’s livelihood, the culture right is a way of life and value. It should be enjoyed by all of us; the government and law should accept and offer aid to us. So the culture right in people’s livelihood has new characters: common, independent, elementary, open. This fundamental right includes being identified and culture cooperation, participating in the culture life and receiving education, culture creative activities and protecting benefits from it, sharing in scientific advancement and its benefits and having information rights.There is a close relationship between Culture right and people’s livelihood. Culture right not only formed people’s livelihood, but also weighted it. Protection of culture right pushed the people’s livelihood building, and the people’s livelihood building offered suitable situation to culture right.The carrying out results of the all kind culture right is different in the people’s livelihood. So there comes out new conditions and challenges in the process. People’s consciousness of culture right is weak, the culture recourses are not even, the protection of law and policy of culture right is inferior.Being aimed at the challenges and new conditions, author puts forward three mechanisms to realize the culture right. They are cultivating the consciousness of culture right, using the social culture resources effectively, legislation and establishing policy to protect culture right.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期