

【作者】 李村

【导师】 向凤红;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 2008年,国际橡胶会提出了“以塑代钢”的主题。塑料产业的发展日新月异,并以其独特的材料品质充塞于大量市场;注塑机是目前最为重要的塑料加工设备,其中料筒熔体温度的精确值是提高塑料制品质量的重要瓶颈之一;特别是当今精密注塑技术对于熔体温度的要求非常高。致力于提高注塑机熔体温度精确控制的研究工作,具有着深远意义和价值所在。本课题主要解决了注塑机料筒温度的检测与控制,在分析料筒工作特性的基础上,针对传统注塑机料筒温度控制系统存在诸如大超调、响应时间长、系统不稳定等不利于熔体温度控制的因素,提出了控制方案和实施方法;力图设计出适合于注塑机工作特性的温度检测与控制系统,最终达到提高熔体温度精确度的目的。本文使用P89V51RD2单片机作为微处理器,在P89V51RD2单片机特性基础上,设计温度检测、设置、控制、显示和硬件抗干扰等其他外围电路,并使用C51语言,在KeilμVision2环境下,完成各功能模块以及抗干扰程序设计。课题还对料筒温度控制算法展开了研究,以料筒温度特性为基础,进行PID、模糊控制、模糊免疫PID等算法实验和比较;选择控制品质较予其他算法优良的模糊免疫PID作为本设计控制算法,设计基于P89V51RD2单片机的模糊免疫PID控制器,以达到提高熔体温度精确度的效果。

【Abstract】 In 2008, the International Rubber Conferance proposed "Plastic instead of steel" theme.Plastic industry have been developing rapidly, and with its unique material quality encroachment on a large market.The Plastic injection molding machine is the most important plastics processing equipment;precision barrel melt temperature parameter value is important to improve the quality of plastic products, especially in today’s precision injection technology to melt temperature for a very high level;Devoted to enhance injection molding machine melt temperature precise control of research work, has a great significance and value.This topic is solved injection molding machine barrel temperature measurement and control. After analyzing the working characteristic of barrel, based on the traditional injection molding machine barrel temperature control system has such as big overshoot and response time long, system unsteady detrimental to melt temperature controlling precision of factors, put forward the control scheme and implementation method.To design a suitable for injection molding machines working characteristics of temperature measurement and control system, and finally achieve the purpose of improving melt temperature precision.This paper uses P89V51RD2 single chip microcomputer as microprocessors, to design njection molding machine barrel temperature control system based on Fuzzy Immune PID control algorithm.Design temperature detection circuit,control and display and other peripheral circuits,.Complete the interference of the function modules, and software programming,using C51 language, in KeilμVision2 environment.Topics also research barrel temperature control algorithm Based on barrel characteristics. Do experiment and simulation to compare the quality of PID, fuzzy control, fuzzy immune PID algorithm.Choose fuzzy immune PID algorithm which is good than other algorithms as barrel temperature control algorithm, Desigen fuzzy immune PID controller based on the P89V51RD2 microcontroller, to improve the accuracy of melt temperature effect.
