

The Elementary Chinese Phonetics Teaching Research Face to the Russian Students

【作者】 李雅琴

【导师】 汪国胜;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 在现在对外汉语教学中,学生们首先接触的便是语音部分。语音是一门语言中最基础的东西,语音阶段对留学生打好整个汉语学习的基础来讲是非常重要的。目前我国主要的一些对外汉语语音教学研究的专著大多是针对英语国家学生的,专门针对俄罗斯学生汉语语音教学的研究还比较少,本文就是通过汉俄两种语言内部语音的对比,从两种语音的异同中找出一个比较适合俄罗斯学生学习汉语语音的方法。本文从元音、辅音入手,分别对汉语和俄语语音进行分析研究,首先对两种语言语音进行描述,再对比得出结论,以汉语语音的声母韵母为本,对照与汉语语音相似或相同的俄语语音,将俄语语音分为与汉语语音相同、相似、不同的三部分进行对比分析,试图站在俄罗斯学生的角度来研究汉语语音怎么教,怎么学,并在最后一节依托对俄汉语教材《汉语新目标》的语音内容部分,根据前文分析的结果设计针对俄罗斯学生的汉语语音教学对策。在教学对策这一章节中,首先分析了《汉语新目标》这套教材语音部分的设计,并归纳设计特点:由浅入深、重视对比、贯彻始终;接着分析声母教学对策则,总结出图势结合、对比应到、联系引导、纸条辅助等四个教学方案;韵母对策则将韵母分为单元音、复元音和鼻韵母三个部分分别进行对策研究;而声调部分也是将四个声调分别进行了对策阐述。本文通过汉俄语音对比,对两种语音中相同或不同的语音进行分析研究,提出一系列针对俄罗斯学生的语音教学对策,希望能够对在俄语国家教学的汉语老师们的语音教学有所启发和帮助。

【Abstract】 The first part our students contact is the voice in the present foreign language teaching. The voice is the most basic thing in a language. The voice stage is very important for the foreign students to lay the basis of Chinese learning. At present, the most monographs on teaching Chinese to foreign students are aimed at the English-speaking countries, but there are few of them pointed at the Russian students. This essay is find a more suitable method to learn the Chinese voice for the Russian students through the Chinese-Russian comparison of two languages within the voice.In this paper, I will do the analysis on the vowel and consonant both in Russian and in Chinese. First, give the description on the voice of the two languages, and then make the conclusion by the comparison. It’s based on the initial consonant and simple or compound vowel of Chinese to find the same, similar, different parts of the two languages on the voice, and do the comparative analysis, trying to do the research on how to teach Chinese speech and how to learn from the standpoint and of the Russian students. Make the teaching strategies for the Russian students relying on "Chinese new target," in the Chinese textbooks(for Russia) in the last section. In the section of Teaching strategies, First, I analyzed the design of the voice in the "Chinese new target,", and summarized design features:go from the shallower to the deeper, pay much attention on the comparison, and consistent; Second, I analyzed the strategies on initial consonant and summarized the four assisted teaching ways which include the graphic method, contrast method, connection method, card-assistant method; Third, analyzed the strategies on simple or compound vowel of Chinese and do the research on monophthong, diphthong, and the a vowel followed by a nasal consonant; At last, I give the elaboration on the four tones of Chinese.In this paper, I will do the analysis and study on the differences between Chinese and Russian voice, and give a series of teaching strategies for the Russian students and also in the hope of giving the inspiration and help to those teachers who teach the Chinese in Russia..

  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】435