

The Research into Legal Systems about Safety of Production, Supervision and Management of Chinese Coal Mine Enterprises

【作者】 申晓辉

【导师】 常健;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国近年来煤矿事故频发,煤矿安全生产形势异常严峻,是社会和媒体关注的焦点,党中央、国务院以及全社会都高度关注。煤矿的安全问题关系到人民群众的生命和财产安全,是社会问题、政治问题甚至国际问题,原因是我国煤矿安全监管存在问题,其主要表现在监管不规范、监管部门的权力设置与职能划分不合理、监管队伍履职能力不足、监管失灵、对违规主体惩处不严等,从而导致安全监管作用难以充分发挥、监管效能不高。监管作用发挥的好坏,直接关系到煤矿安全生产的程度,本文以中平能化集团煤矿2010年较为集中,影响较大的事故案例为切入点,探讨了我国煤矿安全生产制度缺陷及监管工作中存在的问题,与国外先进国家如美国,英国,德国,法国相比,从安全生产理念上,安全文化上,安全法律制度上,安全监管机制上,职工的安全保障上,作出了对比分析,并提出了完善煤矿安全生产监管的相关措施。从结构上看,本文分为五个部分。第一部分,简单介绍了论文的绪论;第二部分,界定了安全生产的的概念,及安全生产的特点和我国的安全生产发展状况,为下文的对比提供了理论支撑:第三部分,阐述了以中平能化集团的事故案例为个案进一步结合当前煤矿安全生产制度、监管方面的漏洞不足进一步分析,监管体制、监管方式、标准以及监管者自身的问题等,并对问题进行了深入客观的分析;第四部分,介绍了国外先进国家美国、英国、法国、德国煤矿安全生产监管工作的发展历史及先进经验,对我国煤矿安全监管工作的启示;第五部分,针对当前我国煤矿安全生产监管存在的问题和原因,建设性地提出了我国煤炭安全生产监管的完善,健全煤炭安全生产监管制度,保障人的生命权、健全煤炭资源安全监管,完善风险抵押金监管机制、加大职工的权益保护,等完善配套的法律法规建设等建议和对策。采取多元化的监管方式,加快构建煤矿安全生产长效体制的完善。

【Abstract】 Recently,the coal mine accidents have often ocurred in our country. The situatian of safe production is extremely serious, which has become the focus of the society and the media.The Central Party Committee, the State Council, as well as the entire society, all pay high attention to it. Coalmine Safety Problems are related to people’s life and property security,which is even the problem of the sociaty and politics too, even if the international sociaty. The reasons for it were summarized as following:shortages of coal mine safe supervising and management in our country, irrational right setting and function division, inadequate ability on carry on things, regulation failure, easy punishment of the illegal subject and so on. Those all affect the effect and potency of the safe supervision. The effect of suervision is good or bad, which is directly associated with the degree of coal mine safety production. This article mainly takes the serious accidents that happended in 2010 as a breakthrough point, and it has discussed the shortages in our country’s coal mine safe productive system and the problems that exist in supervising and management. Compared with some advanced countries, such as US, England, Germany and France, this article discusses it on the concept of safe production, safe culture, legal system of safety, supervision system of safety, safety guarantee of workers. And after the analysis, the article gives some measures on how to improve and perfect the safety supervision of coal mine production.From the structure, there are five parts of the paper.The first part simply introduces the summarization, the second part identifies the conception,the characters and the present development of safety production,that can support the comparison from the theory. The third part expounds and analyses the shortage in production system and supervision of the coal mine, and it takes the accident as case to point out the the problems on the supervise system, means,standard and the supervisor himself. The analysis is deep and objective. The fourth part introduces the development history and advanced experiences of the other countries in the safety supervision of coal mine,such as the US, England, France and Germany, which is enlightenment to our country. The fifth part, according to the the problems and reasons in our country safety production supervision of coal mine,gives suggestion structurally on how to improve the safety production supervision and system of coal mine, on how to guarantee the right of life, on how to perfect the supervision of coal mine source, on how to perfect the system of safety risk cash, on how to increase the protect of staff right, and finally it gives some suggestion and measures on how to perfect the rules and regulations, which is the way to adopt the multiplex supervision and managment patterns, and to speed up the system building of the coal mine safety production.

  • 【分类号】D922.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】190