

Xi’an College Basketball League Referees Hold Cutting Ability Influence Factors of Research

【作者】 孟海丽

【导师】 赵映辉;

【作者基本信息】 西安体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以第十三届中国大学生篮球联赛陕西省预赛的裁判员为研究对象,通过文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对西安地区的参加高校大学生篮球联赛裁判员的现状(篮球运动经历、学历、级别、执裁场次和执裁过的最高级别的比赛)和影响其执裁能力的因素等情况做了仔细的分析与论证,对获得的数据进行统计处理,并对收集的资料和统计的结果使用逻辑分析的方法进行分析、归纳和总结和对比,并得出以下结论:1.绝大多数裁判员都有篮球运动经历,学历基本在本科以上,具有较好的篮球专业知识和文化素养,裁判员的英语水平总体较差。2.裁判员80%以上都是一级裁判员,高级别裁判员数量太少,裁判员在执裁大赛、重要赛事方面的经历、经验不足。3.裁判员场上表现的不自信,判罚不果断,不能沉着,镇静的处理问题,裁判员注意转移能力较差,裁判员的抗干扰能力较强。4.竞赛法规监督体制不健全,管理制度不完善,感情哨现象严重影响着裁判员的职业道德素质,裁判员参加培训的级别较低,影响裁判员参加培训的主要原因主要是得到培训消息不及时,裁判员工作繁忙、时间紧。5.外因中球迷因素、关键场次因素对裁判员的影响较大。并在此基础上做出以下建议:1.加强对篮球专业英语的学习,尝试在比赛中运用英语执裁。2.加大对国家级及以上裁判员的培养力度,并争取承办国家级和国际级的篮球赛事,给裁判员提供执裁大赛、要赛的机会。3.学习心理学常识,并在执裁过程中反复采用自我暗示的心理调节方法,树立自信心,赛后总结经验;观摩优秀裁判员临场执裁,与高水平裁判员交流经验,场下思考各种可能发生的复杂判例状况,形成应有的判决模式。4.尽量让裁判们在观众多的地方执裁,尝试一人执裁,学会扩大自己的视野,及时地转移注意力。5.完善竞赛法规监督体制和管理制度,严惩“吹感情哨”人员,成立裁判员协会,通过现代的信息渠道,把培训消息及时通知自己的成员。6.拿关键场次当普通场次放松、大胆的执裁,用平常心对待。

【Abstract】 Based on the 13th CUBA the CUBA league qualifiers referees shanxi province as the research object, by documentary, interview, questionnaire and mathematical statistics, logic analysis and other methods, in xi’an area in college basketball league status (basketball referee experience, education, gender, to participate in training the situation, grade, holding cutting events and holding the highest-level cutting game) and the factors affecting its holding cutting (environment factor, social factor, professional quality, psychological quality, etc.) do the careful analysis and demonstration, to gain for statistical data processing, and the information collected and statistical results use logical analysis methods of analysis and induction and summarized and compared, and the following conclusions:1. In xi’an college students’ basketball league referees, most have basketball experience, bachelor degree in basically, and has a good basketball professional knowledge and higher cultural quality, Women of proportion of low; Referees to attend the training level is lower, influence referees to participate in training the main reason is mainly receive training message is not in time, Referees time tightly; the job is busy,2. Referees more than 80% are primary referees, high level referees quantity little, Referees in holding cutting contest, the important event experience, experience is insufficient;3. External factors, key streak of fans and family factor for the league factors influencing on the referees.4. Referees in basketball rules, referee, stefano and basketball skills and tactics of knowledge and methods of mastery is bad, The umpire’s English level overall is poor.5. Referees on the pitch and unsure, decisions not decisive, Can’t calm, composed of processing problem; Referees note transfer ability is poor; The referee anti-interference ability is bad, vulnerable to athletes and referees, and the influence of words and actions.6. the poll found referees have strong strain response ability, but should strengthen exercise, to ensure the healthy body. And on this basis to make the following Suggestions:1 many absorbing graduated from sports colleges and experience of women there are basketball referee, Set up his own referees association member, to charge a membership fee, as members to participate in high level referees training and training of funding, through modern information channel, the relevant training news timely inform their members.2. Shanxi relevant departments to increase national and above the umpire’s cultivation, and strive to undertake national and international basketball games, give xi’an referees provide clinging to the contest, to cut the opportunity.3. Referees should timely correct errors and reduce victimised, misjudgment, leakage sentenced happens, thereby winning fans’respect. Hold cutting, imply that key hitting streak with ease, take key treat hitting streak when ordinary streak relaxation, bold blow. The referees are the pillar of the family, home of the things which he shall handle basic it, support of family is the largest from his wife or husband, we can ask them about the blow the referee’s fun, to increase their interest, but also to get their support and understanding.4. Organize regular learn basketball rules, the referee method and basketball technique knowledge, every time after the match referee to group discussions hold cutting the problems encountered, summarizing the experience, improve together, with provincial high level referees to communicate and learn each other; Improve the umpire’s English practical ability, to pitch common English study and exam, try to use English in the game, do hold cutting further development of preparation.5. Study psychology common sense, and playing prior to imply that is dignified, brave "judge", Play with their cooperation of before the referee relaxed conversation topics, or and practice experience of the referee conversation, get their guidance and help, To adjust oneself nervous, fear of emotions, become self-confident, calm, composure.6. Another try to let the judges in the audience more places are holding their determination, cutting, exercise with cutting ability bold. During pregame referees meeting, the organizing committee and relevant leaders should be encouraged and supported referees relaxation, bold and be willing to hold cutting make mistakes, do their strong backing.7. Try to one person the game of basketball referee work, learn to expand their horizons, timely distracting, considering the game, improve their anti-interference ability; Peacetime increased personal exercise.

【关键词】 裁判员执裁能力影响因素
【Key words】 refereesholding cutting abilityinfluencing factors