

The Analysis of the C-E Press Conference Interpreting from the Perspective of the Interpretive Theory

【作者】 迟明彩

【导师】 张晔;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国政治经济的发展,中国国际地位日益提高,与国际间政治、经济、文化交流也日趋频繁。每年三月份两会期间中国外交部都要举办记者招待会,它主要阐述政府或某部门的立场、观点,并回答记者提问,具有一定的权威性。这为翻译研究开辟了新的领域。本文研究的对象即为“两会期间”记者招待会口译。本论文从释意论角度出发,结合温总理两会记者招待会口译材料,解释、分析当中所使用的口译策略,旨在探讨释意论对记者招待会口译实践的指导作用。释意论与传统的翻译理论不同:传统翻译理论认为翻译分为理解和表达两个程序,而释意论提出翻译有三个程序,即理解、脱离原语语言外壳和重新表达。其研究不再只停留在语言层次上,而是强调对意义的捕捉。本文首先详细介绍了释意论的建立和发展以及主要内同,接下来主要介绍了记者招待会口译的特点、影响记者招待会口译的因素以及记者招待会口译的原则。在此基础上,通过释意论视角下对温总理记者招待会口译的分析,总结出了记者招待会口译的策略。最后总结了释意论的主要贡献,提出了研究的不足之处,并期望通过文章中的研究为今后的口译实践以及理论的发展提供一些启示。通过研究发现:从释意论角度出发,影响记者招待会口译的因素包括发言人的身份、目的、文化背景;口译员对语言以及认知知识的熟练掌握;听众的身份、立场及文化背景。根据这些影响因素总结出影响记者招待会口译的原则,从而总结出记者招待会口译的策略。总之,在释意论视角下研究记者招待会口译是一次有意义的探索和尝试。

【Abstract】 With the development of politics and economy, China’s international status has improved a lot and the exchanges of politics, economy, culture between China and the rest of the world have been increased tremendously. The Foreign Ministry holds press conferences during the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) every March, which provides a new study field for interpreting studies. During the press conference, the addressers mainly state the government’s stance and ideas, answering the journalists’questions. Obviously, it is authoritative. The subject of this paper is press conference interpreting (PCI) during the NPC and CPPCC period. Based on the press conferences delivered by Premier Wen Jiabao during the NPC and CPPCC sessions, the thesis explains and analyzes the interpreting strategies from the perspective of the interpretive theory, hoping provide some guidance for the interpreters in the press conference interpreting practice.There are differences between the interpretive theory and traditional translation theories:traditional translation theories hold that there are two processes: comprehension and expression; however, the interpretive theory argues that there are three processes:comprehension, deverbalization and expression. The interpretive theory pays attention to grasping the sense not to the language. Firstly, the thesis introduces the establishment and development of the interpretive theory as well as its main contents in detail. Then, it mainly introduces the features of the press conference as well as the affecting factors and the principles of the press conference interpreting. Afterwards, the thesis concludes some strategies adopted in the press conference in view of the interpretive theory by analyzing the press conference transcriptions delivered by Premier Wen Jiabao during the NPC and CPPCC sessions. In the end, the thesis summarizes the main contributions and the limitations of the interpretive theory, hoping to provide some guidance for the interpreting theory and practice.The following findings have been achieved through the study:in terms of the interpretive theory, the factors which affect the press conference interpreting include the identity, intention and cultural backgrounds of the addresser; the interpreter’s management of the language and the cognitive knowledge; the identity, stance and cultural backgrounds of the audience. According to these factors, this thesis concludes the principles of the press conference interpreting and thus the strategies. To sum up, it is a meaningful attempt to study the press conference interpreting from the perspective of the interpretive theory.

【关键词】 记者招待会口译释意论意义
【Key words】 Press ConferenceInterpretingInterpretive TheorySense