

Research on Pricing Method of Airport Franchise

【作者】 赵敏

【导师】 于旭;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 会计, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 进入21世纪,我国经济实力显著增长,其中民航业的发展尤为迅猛。随着国内机场运营方式从直接经营型不断向管理型转变,机场特许经营逐渐成为我国机场经营管理方式之一,而且日渐为越来越多的机场所采用。经过机场属地化改革之后,民航局、航空公司和机场三者之间的关系有了重大改变。实行机场特许经营符合经济发展规律和总体趋势,它是国民经济发展的必然要求,是民航业发展的必由之路。在我国,机场企业化运营相对较晚,专业化程度以及市场化程度也不高,机场特许经营还处于探索中的初期阶段,在经营模式的建立健全上还存在着诸如特许经营费的制定等问题。因此本文根据首都机场集团公司所属长春龙嘉机场在专业化改革中所采用的特许经营模式为契机,通过对现有定价方法以及国内外机场特许经营模式的研究,提出我国机场特许经营的一种定价方法,并用博弈论的方法对该定价方法的合理性进行了验证,为实施机场特许经营的主体提供使用费定价的参考。论文首先在相关理论分析的基础上,介绍和总结了国内外机场特许经营模式及其相应的特许经营收费方式。国际上机场特许经营较为普遍,对机场非航业务实行特许经营已被大部分机场所采用,特许经营收入己成为机场收益的重要组成部分。而我国机场特许经营相对国外起步较晚,机制也较为落后。通过对国内外特许经营模式研究发现国内外主要有固定收费、变动收费、在固定收费基础上进行变动收费以及按人头收费等方式,通过对这些方式的比较分析,为我国机场特许经营定价提供借鉴。为了制定出适合全国机场的特许经营定价方法,本文从长春龙嘉机场的特许经营现状出发加以进一步分析,在对龙嘉机场现有收费方式存在问题分析的基础上,对该方法加以改进,提出一种相结合的提成法作为机场特许经营的定价方法。该方法的基本思路是通过与机场发展增速有线性相关性的指标挂钩,对营业额或旅客吞吐量增率提成计算特许经营费。为了验证该方法的实际可行性,本文运用博弈论的方法对定价方法的合理性进行了验证,认为该提成法适用于为类长春机场规模的机场特许经营权定价。最后,论文还从主体监督和社会监督的角度出发,为建立和完善机场特许经营定价体系,对政府对特许经营定价的监督提出了相应的对策与建议。

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, the economic strength of china has gotten phenomenal growth, particularly in the aviation industry. As the operations of domestic airports change from direct operation to active Management, the airport franchise has gradually become one of modes of airport operation and management in China, and has increasingly been used by more and more airports. After the reform of airport localization, in the relationships between civil aviation authority, airlines and airports, there have been significant changes. The implementation of airport franchise is in line with the law and the overall trends of economic development, which is an inevitable requirement of national economic development and the necessary way for civil aviation industry to develop.In China, the enterprise operating of airport is relatively late, specialization as well as market-oriented is not enough, airport franchise is still in the early stages of exploration, and there are a lot of issues such as franchise fees in the establishment of the operation mode. Therefore, with the implemention of franchise mode in the specialization reform of Changchun Longjia airport which is belonged to capital airport Group, this article makes a pricing method for china airport through researching on the existing pricing methods and airport franchise modes at home and abroad, and provides reference for the pricing of suing fee in the implementation of airport franchise.The paper firstly describes and summarizes airport franchise modes at home and abroad and corresponding pricing of franchise fees with the related theoretical analysis. Airport franchise is internationally common, non-aviation business franchise has been adopted by most of airports, and franchise revenue has become an important part of the proceeds of the airport. In china, the implementation of airport franchise is later than that abroad, and mechanisms are relative backward. There are flat fee charges, change fee charges, change fee charges on the base of flat fee charges, charges on per-head basis, and so on, which can be gotten through comparative analysis of the airport franchise mode at home and abroad. Through comparative analysis of these ways, pricing reference can be provided for airport franchises in China.In order to develop appropriate national airport concession pricing methods, this article analysis’s problems in existing charging method based on Changchun Longjia airport franchise status, and proposes an airport concession pricing method, cut method. The basic idea of cut method is to develop relation between sales and concession fee. In order to verify the actual feasibility of cut method, the article applies game theory methods verify the reasonableness of cut method, and thinks that cut method applies to the franchise of the airport.Finally, the paper makes corresponding countermeasures and proposals for establishing and perfecting the system of airport concession pricing as well as government oversight of franchising pricing from the point of principal authority and social supervision.

【关键词】 特许经营机场特许经营定价方法
【Key words】 FranchiseAirport FranchisePricing Method
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】F562
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】356