

Study on Reform Proposals of Human Resource Management of Jilin Haifeng Mining Industry Investment Co.,Ltd.

【作者】 高波

【导师】 孙乃纪;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 矿产资源是我国经济发展的重要物质基础,矿业企业的持续稳定发展对国民经济具有非常重要的意义。到2010年底,我国已经连续9年在10种主要的有色金属产量上,居于世界第一位。虽然我国是有色金属的生产大国和消费大国,却不是有色金属生产技术的强国,也不掌握国际市场金属的定价权。我国有色金属企业的利润率远远低于国际先进水平,仅相当于国内银行长期贷款的利率。这种局面对我国有色金属企业提出了严峻的挑战。我国有色金属企业要步入国际先进企业的行列,关键是人才。有色金属专业人才的稀缺,严重制约了企业的发展与技术进步。人力资源的整体质量和管理水平,从根本上决定了有色金属企业的竞争力。吉林海丰矿业投资有限公司是一家民营股份制企业,主要从事黄金等有色金属矿产品的采矿、选矿、产品加工及销售业务,其所属矿山资源储量大,品位高,市场前景良好。海丰矿业经过多年的稳步发展,已成为国内知名的有色金属矿业企业。在国家政策的扶持以及国际黄金市场价格持续走高的形势下,海丰矿业公司迎来了难得的发展机遇。海丰矿业的“十二五”战略规划明确提出了实现跨越式发展并成为上市公司的目标。然而公司人才队伍的整体素质落后于公司发展的需要,成为制约企业快速发展的瓶颈。公司需要根据企业发展的战略目标制定一个与之相配套的人力资源管理改进方案,切实提高人力资源管理水平。本文运用人力资源管理和战略管理的理论与方法,分析了海丰矿业人力资源管理存在的高端人才匮乏且流失严重、员工队伍“散、乱、差”且培训不得力、激励不足且福利水平低等问题,并剖析了造成这些问题的企业外部因素与企业内部的客观与主观原因。论文结合海丰矿业“十二五”发展战略的目标,通过SWOT分析和主营业务分析,提出了人力资源管理的战略框架,确定了人力资源管理的渐进式改革路径。在此基础上,进一步设计了海丰矿业人力资源管理的模块化改进方案,该方案包括人力资源的配置模块、激励模块和开发模块。在此方案中,为解决海丰矿业人力资源流动率过高、员工队伍整体素质低等迫切的管理问题,在招聘、员工培训、绩效管理、薪酬管理等重要工作环节上均提出了具有较强操作性的建议。这对海丰矿业改善人力资源管理现状,提高管理水平,更好地服务于企业发展战略,具有非常重要的现实意义。同时,本文针对企业实际所构建的模块化改革思路,对其他同类企业也有一定的借鉴价值。

【Abstract】 Mineral resources are an important foundation for China’s economic development. Mining enterprises have a sustainable and stable development which is very important for national economy. By the end of 2010, China is the first in the world in 10 major non-ferrous metal productions for 9 consecutive years. Although China is relatively large producer and consumer of non-ferrous metals, not has powerful production technology of non-ferrous metal and pricing power of metal in the international market .The profitability of China’s nonferrous metal enterprises are far below the international advanced level, equivalent to only domestic bank interest rates on long-term loans, which is severe challenge for nonferrous metal enterprises of China. China Non-ferrous metals companies to step into the ranks of international advanced enterprises, the key lies in talents. The scarcity of professionals in non-ferrous metal field, has seriously hampered the development of enterprises and technological progress. Overall quality and management level of human resources which fundamentally determine the competitiveness of non-ferrous metals enterprises.Jilin Haifeng Mining Investment Company Limited is a private joint-stock company which mainly engaged in products mining, mineral processing, processing and sales business of gold and other non-ferrous metal mineral, its affiliated mine have abundant resources reserves, high grade and good market prospect. After years of steady development Haifeng mining has become well-known non-ferrous metal mining companies. In support of national policy as well as the international gold market prices continued to rising situation, Haifeng mining company obtains a rare development opportunity. So, Haifeng mining“Twelfth Five-Year Plan”strategic planning definitely put forward the great-leap-forward development and become a public company. However, the overall quality of company talent lags behind the needs of the business, become a bottleneck restricting the rapid development of enterprises. The company makes matching improvement project of human resource management according to the strategic goal of enterprise development to effectively improve the level of human resource management.This article by the human resources management and the strategic management theory and method, analyses Haifeng mining existing problems of shortage and Serious loss of high-end talent, scattered, disorderly and Low quality staff team, ineffective training, insufficient incentive and low welfare level in the human resource management and elaborates the causes of these problems which include enterprise external factors and the interior of the objective and subjective factors of enterprise. This article combining with Haifeng mining“Twelfth Five-Year Plan”development strategy, through the SWOT analysis and the main business analysis, puts forward the strategic human resource management framework and make the gradual reform path of human resources management. On this basis, Haifeng mining further designs modular program to improve human resources management, including human resource allocation modules, incentive and development modules. In this scheme which comes up with practical suggestions in terms of recruitment, training, performance management, salary management and other important work to solve pressing management problems, such as, high human resources flow rate, low quality staff team. These suggestions have a very important practical significance to improve the present situation of human resource management and the level of management and are able to better serve the enterprise development strategy. At the same time, this paper constructed modular reform thinking according to the enterprise reality, which has also certain reference value to other similar enterprise.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】F272.92;F426.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】153