

The Study on Highway Projects Management Models of Baicheng Hongda Bridge Co., Ltd.

【作者】 王玉良

【导师】 高歌;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国社会经济的迅速发展,工程建设逐步改革,建设工程项目管理方面也在进行相应的变革,出现了各种促进项目管理水平提高的模式,但相比发达国家而言,这些项目管理模式的层次较低且发展不够全面。而世界各国也都在不断探索、实践项目管理理论和方法,现阶段我国也应采取措施,深化改革我国工程项目管理体制,加速推进我国项目管理的发展,探索研究具有中国特色、适应广泛的工程项目管理模式并加以推广应用,逐步与国际通行的管理模式接轨,缩小我国同发达国家水平的差距。公路工程项目,涉及多学科,涵盖着多专业知识,并且有着工程量大、工程建设周期一般较长、工程的投资十分可观等特点,因此,我们可以说公路工程项目是一项融合复杂的技术、具有很强的综合性和系统的工程项目。随着改革开发的发展以及加入WTO后中国经济的飞腾,中国的市场经济正日渐成熟,工程项目管理面临着资源合理使用、工程质量以及工期各个方面的考验。在对公路工程项目进行管理过程中,管理模式的弊端不容忽视,给我们带来了很大的困难和挑战。最为艰巨也是最为紧迫的困难就是我国公路工程项目管理模式与国际工程项目管理模式的融合,只有很好的适应国际法律以及市场经济等环境,我国的公路工程才能进一步的发展。与国际上发达国家的公路工程项目管理模式进行比较和分析,我们的管理模式处于落后状态,公路工程的管理方面存在着许多深层次的问题,不解决这些问题,我国的公路施工企业很难迈向国际化。本文首先对国内外工程项目管理的现状进行分析梳理,通过对现有的公路工程项目管理模式进行研究,学习和借鉴国际发达国家的相关技术和管理方法,引进消化吸收,找出我国的公路工程项目管理存在的弊端和与之的差距,逐步改革公路工程项目管理现状,之后,以白城宏达路桥有限公司公路工程项目管理模式为例,分析其存在的问题,并结合国内外可采用的方法提出具体的可实施的建议和措施,以减少我们与国际发达国家公路工程项目管理方面的差距,并力求能够为具体的公路施工项目起到帮助和借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of China’s economy, the gradual reform of construction, construction project management also make the appropriate changes, to promote the emergence of a variety of project management level to improve the model, but compared to developed countries, these project management a lower level and full development. The countries around the world are continuing to explore and practice of project management theory and methods, at this stage should also take measures to deepen the reform of China’s project management system, to accelerate the development of our project management, exploration and research with Chinese characteristics, to adapt to a wide range of engineering project management and to promote the application, step by step with international practice management integration, narrowing the gap between the level of the developed countries.Highway projects, involving multi-disciplinary, covering a multi-disciplinary knowledge, and has a large engineering, construction cycle is generally longer, very substantial investment in the project characteristics, therefore, we can say that the integration of highway projects is a complex technology , has a strong comprehensive and systematic project. With the development of reform and development and accession to WTO, China’s economic booming in China’s market economy is maturing, project management faced with the rational use of resources, project quality and schedule all aspects of the test.In the highway construction project management process, management of defects can not be ignored, brought us a lot of difficulties and challenges. The most difficult and most urgent problem is the management of highway projects and international project management approach to integrated, only well adapted to international environmental law and market economy, China’s highway construction in order to further development. Developed on the road with the international project management model for comparison and analysis, our management or to lag behind many countries, the management of highway projects, there are many deep-seated problems, not solve these problems, China’s highway construction difficult for enterprises to move towards globalization.This paper first international project management to analyze the situation in order, through the existing highway project management model to study and learn from international developed technologies and management methods, the introduction of digestion and absorption, to find our road projects project management with the drawbacks and the gap gradually reform the management status of highway projects, and then to? highway construction project management model of Baicheng Hongda Bridge Co., Ltd., for example, analyze the problems and the method can be used at home and abroad make specific recommendations can be implemented and measures developed to reduce the road with the international project management gaps, and seek to be able to play a specific highway construction projects to help and reference.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】F284
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】177