

Study on the Political-legal Organs’ Function in the Innovation of Social Management in China

【作者】 董大为

【导师】 张亲培;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 推进社会管理创新,逐步建立与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的社会管理体系,是党中央、国务院从维护社会稳定、促进社会和谐的高度,为适应当前社会矛盾凸显期的新形势、新任务而做出的重大战略部署。我国政法机关承担着维护国家安全、化解社会矛盾、预防和惩治犯罪、维护社会公平、促进社会公正、服务改革发展的重要职责。在加强和改进社会管理、维护和促进社会稳定和谐中担负着重大政治使命和社会责任。社会管理创新是一项全新的系统工程,是党和政府在新的历史条件下重大的战略部署,而实现社会管理创新,则是包括政法机关在内的各级党政部门义不容辞的责任。社会管理创新需要政法机关的积极参与,而政法机关参与社会管理创新需要从自身职能定位出发,努力化解社会矛盾,促进社会和谐,寻求在社会管理创新中促进政法机关职能的发挥和功能的完善。

【Abstract】 Structuring up the socialistic harmonious society, reflecting our party’s aspiring attitude and rational thought that respond to the problems of facing the opportunities and challenges, from the overall strategy of building the Chinese characteristic socialism, based on the ongoing issues. The function of the innovative management of Political-legal organs is a crucial research subject. Thesis contains the following sections:The part of introduction mainly illustrates the background of choosing the thesis, the research value, and some brief comments of related researches of social management and judicial and public security organs.The first part .social management and innovationsWith the progress of reform and opening up, people finding that economic development has improved people’s living standards, changed so many ways in social structures, and thus brought about a series of social problems, that is the reason lead us to reconsidered the social administration issue. With the development of social management practices and more and more academic attentions, social management innovation has become the new hot word. Clarifying the intrinsic meaning of social management is the premise of strengthening and innovating social management, also the logical starting point for studying social management.The second part .the Political-legal organs of China and social management innovationThe Political-legal organs should work around the center of the party and the country, more focused and efficient. At present, the social management innovation of building a socialistic harmonious society plays an important role in the party and the country, so political-legal organs should focus on innovation in social work administration, social management innovation in the practice of clearing the position of political and legal organs in the new era.The third part. Problems and challenges of the political-legal organs in the innovative social management.The responsibilities and tasks of the political-legal organs are to focus the work around the party’s objects to carry out the work of law enforcement and judicial organs of. The current crucial issue of the party’s is to build a socialistic harmonious society. The harmonious society is the party’s major direction, so the political-legal organs should focus on building a harmonious society, services, and service on the party’s work from the overall situation. And building a harmonious society, requires in-depth study of social management innovation, analyzing the new situations, solving the new problems. The new oriented problems and challenges are the source of the polishing up the blade of the sword, which is the most valid ways to solve the new issues. The problems and challenges lead the work to the new level that helps to tackle with a series flaws when the system generates some new issues.The fourth part. Proposes of the political-legal organs to improve the social innovative managementThe issue of social management innovation of this era, the political-legal organs should do something, something substantial, the only way political-legal organs to earn the trusts of the party and people. In the progress of innovative social management, the political-legal organs accumulate many constructive achievements that we need to summarize and popularize. Examining the political-legal organs in the management of innovation in society as a party and the government’s request, compared with the expectations of the public, there is still some way to enhance. The political-legal organs for the management of innovation in social problems, the author believes that, in the community to play its role in innovation management strategies should focus on the following four ideas: firstly, to identify new requirements, strengthen the service concepts; secondly, followed basic principles, grasp the right direction; thirdly, focused efforts to deploy works; fourthly, form a good team foundation to enhance management capabilities.The fifth part .conclusionSocial management innovation is a systematic project, and it will be the crucial point of the party and government work the current and future historical period. Political party and government organs as an important part of the process of governance in the country play an important role. In maintaining social stability and promoting social harmony and development, the political-legal organs play an irreplaceable role. In the reform of social innovative management, political and legal institutions should make a magnificent improvement. The Political-legal organs in the social management of innovation, should be based on their work from their own responsibility and mission, starting from the majority of the people’s fundamental interests, the actual demands of the public, enhance service awareness and service skills, and make their own contributions to the construction of the socialistic harmonious society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】D926
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】818