

Research on Characteristics and Relations of Theory of Mind, Attachment to Grandparents and Peer Acceptance among Children Aged 3-5 with Skip-generation Raising

【作者】 叶晓璐

【导师】 刘宣文;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在当今的中国社会,随着社会的变迁,家庭经济负担的增大以及家庭结构的不断改变,一大部分中国父母没有充足的时间和精力抚养子女,因此有些会把子女交由(外)祖父母抚养,即所谓的隔代抚养。隔代抚养在当今中国家庭的实际生活中已占有相当大的比例,隔代抚养儿童的心理现状也迫切需要得到研究界的关注与重视。幼儿心理理论、依恋关系与同伴关系是幼儿心理发展的热点问题,因此对隔代抚养幼儿的心理理论、依恋关系与同伴关系展开实证研究,不仅能进一步发展依恋理论和丰富生态系统理论,还能给隔代抚养幼儿的健康成长创设一个良好的环境并寻找更好的切入点以及为改善隔代抚养幼儿的社会化问题提供依据。本研究随机抽取温州地区两所幼儿园进行幼儿家庭抚养形式调查,从409名3-5幼儿中筛选出102名隔代抚养幼儿。随后向102名隔代抚养幼儿家长发放研究同意书,经家长同意配合,最终确定有效被试95名。本研究综合运用了实验法、量表测量法和社会测量法三种研究方法。首先运用错误信念任务、情绪理解任务、及欺骗任务三个情境性实验探究隔代抚养幼儿心理理论特点。错误信念任务(false belief task)包括两项子任务,分别为错误信念预测任务(false belief prediction task)与情绪错误信念的预测任务(emotion false belief prediction task);情绪理解任务,包括三项子任务,分别为面部表情识别任务、情绪观点采择任务,以及矛盾情绪的辨别任务;欺骗任务则包括两个情节相似的活动。本实验通过玩偶或图片呈现以及主试口述的方式一对一进行,主试复述受试幼儿的反应,以便记录受试幼儿所有答案,每位受试幼儿所需时间为30分钟左右。再由隔代抚养幼儿的(外)祖父母填写修订后《幼儿依恋关系量表》和修订后《幼儿依恋量表》来考察祖孙依恋关系特点;还运用同伴提名法考察同伴接纳特点,并进一步探究隔代抚养幼儿的心理理论、祖孙依恋和同伴接纳三者的关系。通过对实验数据结果进行分析,本研究主要得出如下结论:结论1隔代抚养幼儿的心理理论能力随年龄的增长而逐渐提高,但发展略迟于一般幼儿,其关键期也为4岁左右。结论2隔代抚养幼儿的依恋品质高于平均分,但安全型依恋比例略低于一般幼儿,而逃避混乱型比例多于一般幼儿。结论3隔代抚养的6岁幼儿社会偏好性低于5岁幼儿;女孩比男孩更容易受同伴喜欢和接纳:与一般幼儿同伴接纳水平相近,受欢迎幼儿、被拒绝幼儿、被忽略幼儿和矛盾型幼儿也占到全体的2/3,还有1/3为一般型幼儿。结论4隔代抚养幼儿祖孙依恋与心理理论的情绪理解表现存在显著正相关,与错误信念、欺骗任务表现不存在相关。结论5隔代抚养幼儿越受同伴欢迎,其心理理论的错误信念表现越好,同伴接纳与情绪理解的表现不存在相关,社会偏好性与欺骗任务表现存在低度相关。结论6隔代抚养幼儿的同伴接纳对心理理论的错误信念表现具有预测作用;祖孙依恋对心理理论的情绪理解表现具有显著预测作用。

【Abstract】 Today in Chinese society, if parents do not have enough time and energy, their children were put to grandparents for raising, which is so-called skip-generation raising. With change of society, increasing of family economic burden and continual changing of family structure, number of skip-generation raising has occupied considerable proportion in contemporary family, therefore, psychological status of children with skip-generation raising also needs to be concerned by the research community. The Theory of Mind, attachment and peer relation are popular issues in psychological development among children aged 3~5, therefore, research on them among children aged 3~5 with skip-generation raising can not only further develop attachment theory and ecosystem theory, but also can look for better breakthrough point to create a good environment for the healthy growth of children aged 3-5 with skip-generation raising and provide the basis to improve the socialization problem of children aged 3~5 with skip-generation raising.So as to examine Theory of Mind’s, attachment’s to grandparents, peer acceptance’s characteristics and their relationship, this research investigated 95 children aged 3~5 with skip-generation raising in Wenzhou city, Zhejiang province by three measures of Theory of Mind including false belief task, emotional understanding task and deception task, two attachment scales and peer nomination.Through analysis of the results of experimental data, this study reached the following conclusions:Conclusion 1. Like average children, theory of mind of children aged 3~5 with skip-generation raising gradually improved with the increase of age, whose key of the development was 4 years old. Gender was not the influence factor of it. False belief task, emotional understanding task and deception task were significantly positively related to each other.Conclusion 2. Attachment quality of children aged 3-5 with skip-generation raising was partial good, but secure-attached proportion was a little lower than that of average children, escaped and confused-attached proportion was higher. There were not significant gender differences on attachment to grandparents.Conclusion 3. Social preference of children aged 5 was lower than that of children aged 4, which was not same as average children. Girls were easier accepted and liked than boys. Like average children, the proportion of popular children, controversial children, neglected children and rejected children was 2/3 in the total number, and the rest 1/3 was average children.Conclusion 4. Attachment to grandparents in children with skip-generation raising was significantly related to emotional understanding task of Theory of Mind, and was not related to false belief task and deception task. Attachment to grandparents was mildly positively related to facial recognition, and was moderately positively related to emotional social perspective-taking. There were significant attachment type differences in emotional understanding task.Conclusion 5. The more popular children with skip-generation raising were, the better false belief performance were. The scoring order of false belief was popular children, controversial children, rejected children, average children and neglected children. Peer acceptance was not related to emotional understanding task, and social preference was mildly related to deception task.Conclusion 6. Peer acceptance of children with skip-generation raising can predict false belief of Theory of Mild. Attachment to grandparents can significantly predict emotional understanding of Theory of Mind. Attachment to grandparents and peer acceptance can not predict deception of Theory of Mind.
