

The Research on the Climate Comfort and Air Quality in Thousand-Island Lake

【作者】 华超

【导师】 张明如;

【作者基本信息】 浙江农林大学 , 生态学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在森林分布区开展生态旅游越来越受到广泛的重视。森林作为保健旅游资源来开发利用已迫在眉睫,森林生态系统中的健康促进类环境资源就成为一个值得研究的命题。相关理论研究有着十分重要的理论价值和实践意义。本文以千岛湖姥山林场为例,从气候舒适度、空气清洁度等方面研究了千岛湖姥山林场6种不同群落(青冈-木荷、青冈-苦槠、苦槠-石栎、马尾松、柏木和杨梅茶园)的生态效应。选取了气温、相对湿度和风速等小气候因子评价森林群落内的气候舒适度,选取可吸入颗粒物(PM10)和空气负离子2个指标评价森林群落内空气质量。于2010年春、夏、秋、冬四季典型测定日晴天(9:00-17:00时)同步监测,上述环境因子。主要研究结果如下:1.①天然群落夏季和秋季舒适期持续时间最长,春季次之,冬季最短。人工群落中春季和夏季小气候舒适期最长,秋季次之,冬季最短。②不同群落之间,春季和夏季人工群落舒适程度高于天然群落,秋季和冬季则相反;③春季苦槠石栎群落在13:00和16:00、柏木群落和杨梅茶园在11:00-15:00均为舒适等级;夏季6种群落9:00-17:00气候等级均属于舒适范围;秋季天然群落最舒适等级持续时间开始增加,9:00-12:00和17:00群落内小气候均为最舒适等级,人工群落舒适等级有所降低:13:00-16:00群落内气候等级降为不舒适;冬季6种群落在9:00-17:00气候等级均为极不舒适范围。2.①千岛湖姥山林场不同群落可吸入颗粒物(PM10)浓度水平具有明显的季节变化:春季较高,夏季最低,秋季浓度水平开始回升,冬季最高。②人工群落春、夏和秋季表现出早上高,白天低的变化趋势,冬季白天变化平稳,峰值不明显;天然群落春季和夏季PM10浓度变化曲线呈“V”型;秋季PM10浓度变化最为平稳,没有明显的峰值和谷值;冬季PM10浓度呈现出上午最高,然后开始持续降低。③按照我国空气质量标准(GB3095.1996),春季6种森林群落PM10日均浓度均达到空气质量2级标准,其中青冈木荷和马尾松近于1级标准;夏季6种森林群落PM10日均浓度水平均达到空气质量1级标准;秋季除苦槠石栎达到1级标准以外,其他物种群落均达到2级标准;冬季则均属于2级标准。3.①千岛湖姥山林场6种森林群落内夏季空气负离子水平最高,秋季次之,春、冬较低。②春季和冬季空气负离子日动态均呈“M”型变化趋势;夏季和秋季,空气负离子在上午出现极大值,下午出现次大值。③从空气清洁度水平看,夏季CI值最高,秋季次之,春季和冬季较低。而不同群落之间,天然群落空气质量要高于人工群落。④负离子与环境因子相关性因不同季节而表现出一定的差异。春季空气负离子与气候因子未表示出明显相关性;夏季和秋季负离子与温度、相对湿度相关性显著:温度<16℃时,负离子与温度呈正相关,当温度为16℃-32℃时,负离子浓度与温度呈负相关;同样,可得知当相对湿度<64%,与相对湿度呈负相关,当相对湿度为64%-96%时,与相对湿度呈正相关。秋季光量子密度与负离子浓度呈显著性正相关;冬季负离子水平偏低,负离子浓度水平与温度,相对湿度和光照的相关性不明显,但风速对负离子浓度作用影响较大,风速与负离子呈显著性正相关。

【Abstract】 With the development of tourism,forestry eco-tourism have got more and more attention. Related research has important and significance,so it is necessary to carried out the study about the healthy resources in the forest ecosystem for the guidance of ecotourism and social economic. Taked laoshan forests as an example, this paper researched ecological health effects of 6 different kinds of forests(Pinus massoniana,Cyclobalanopsis chungli-Schima superba,Cyclobalanopsis chungli- Castanopsis sclerophylla,Castanopsis sclerophylla- Lithocarpus glabra,Cupressus funedris,Myrica rubra-Camellia sinensis) in Thousand Island Lake about the climte comfort and air quality. Climate comfort were appraised by environmental factors such as temperature, relative humidity and wind speed. Air quality were appraised by particulate matter (PM10) and the air negativeions, and those index were observed synchronously during the day (9:00-17: 00) throughout 4 seasons in 2010. Some preliminary conclusions were as follows by the research:1.①In natural forest communities,the comfortable climate was longest in summer and autumn, followed in spring and winter minimum, while in the artifical forest communities, it was longest in spring and summer, followed in autumn and winter minimum.②Among different communities, the comfort climate degree in artificial forest communities was higher than the natural forest communities in spring and summer, autumn and winter was the opposite;③In spring, the climate in 13:00 and 16:00 of Castanopsis sclerophylla- Lithocarpus glabra and 11:00-15:00 of Cupressus funedris,Myrica rubra-Camellia sinensis was comfort degree;In summer,all of 6 kinds of different forest communities was belong to comfort range;In natural forst communities comfortable level began to increase in antumn while it decreased in artifical forest communities;all of the forest communities fell on extremely comfortable range in winter.2.The concentration of PM10 appeard significant seasonal changes: higher in spring, lowest in summer and autumn, levels began to rise in autumn, and highest in winter.②In spring,summer and autumnn,PM10 in artificial forest kept high level in the morning and decressed during the day communities spring,while it change smoothly during the day in winter, the peak was not obviously.The concentrion curve of PM10 in natural forest communitise appeard“V-type”in spring and summer.PM10 concentrations was most stable in fall,and no obvious peak and valley; in winter, the PM10 concentrations showed the highest in the morning, and then began to decrease durning the day;③According to China’s air quality standards (GB3095.1996), the PM10 concentrations in 6 kinds of forest communities achieved class-2 in spring while it were belong to class-1 in summer;in autumn ,all of these forest communities were belong to class-2 , except that Castanopsis sclerophylla- Lithocarpus glabra achieved class-1.3.①Negetive air anion was highest in summer,followed by autumn,lower in spring and winter.②the concentration curve of negetive air anion showed the“M-type”in spring and winter.In summer and autumn,the air of negative achieved the maximum value in the morning, and a second largest value appeared in afternoon;③As the air cleanness degree, the CI value was highest in summer, followed by autumn,lower in spring and winter.In the different communities,the air cleanness degree in natural communities was higher than artificial forest community.④Connection between environmental factors and anion appeard significant seasonal changes.Anion and climate factors had not significant correlation in spring but was significant correlated with temperature and relative humidity in summer and autumn:when the temperture lower than 16℃,anion was positive correlated with it,and anion was negetive correlated with it when the temperture between the 16℃-32℃;when the related humidity lower than 64%, anion was positively correlated with it and anion was negetive correlated with it when the related humidity between the 64%-96%;In autumn,anion was positive correlated with photon density;In winter it showed that anionwas less correlation with tenperture,related hunmidity and photon, but wind speed had significant influence on it.
