

Study on Disaster Prevention and Avoidance of the Green Space in Urban Residential District

【作者】 巩爱娜

【导师】 胡希军;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪将降低城市风险、创造良好的人居环境作为城市发展的目标。但是,城市化进程的加快导致城市灾害事故发生的强度和频度日趋严重。居住小区作为城市的重要组成部分,其安全受到严重威胁,并且,由于居住小区人口大量聚集,使得其在严重灾害发生时,所遭受的损失更加惨重。小区的防灾问题越来越受到社会各界的关注,但是近年来,我国城市防灾规划体系尚不完善,特别在居住小区防灾避险领域的研究还基本空白。论文以居住小区为研究对象,探讨了小区绿地防灾避险规划,研究主要内容如下:(1)通过文献检索查阅法系统阐述了城市防灾避险绿地的概念、分类以及规划标准,并在城市居住小区常发灾害及居民灾后避难行为的基础上,提出了不同类型的小区绿地应具有的防灾避险功能。(2)通过分析城市居住小区防灾避险绿地与城市防灾避险绿地的关系,提出城市居住小区绿地防灾避险规划原则。并在此基础上,从防灾避险角度对城市居住小区防灾避险绿地容量、防灾避险有效面积、紧急避险通道、防灾避险植物、防灾避险基础设施、绿化隔离带等方面进行了研究,提出城市居住小区绿地防灾避险规划策略。(3)以长沙市中建·桂苑居住小区为例,分析其绿地的防灾避险能力,并提出规划对策。城市居住小区绿地作为承载居民日常生活的城市绿地基本单元,在灾害发生时起到防止火势蔓延、疏散避难人员的作用,其合理的居住小区防灾避险绿地将会成为与城市防灾避险绿地系统相连接的生命线,进而改善城市防灾机能。

【Abstract】 Reduce urban risk and create a good living environment have become the objectives of urban development in 21st century. But, with the rapid steps of urbanization, the frequency and intensity of urban disaster become more and more gravely, the residential district is one of the city’s important component, the safety of the residential district is threatened, and the residents, who yard up living in the residential district, and more severe losses, hazard prevention has gradually been put on the higher stage of concerning. In recent years, the city mitigation disaster plan system of our country is not perfect. Especially in the residential district, the study of disaster prevention and avoidance is almost vacant. Regarding the residential district as the research subject, the paper investigates the planning of the green space. The main contents of the study are the following:(1)By the method of document retrieval, the paper expatiated the conception, Classification and planning standards of the green space of disaster prevention and avoidance of the city. Base on the familiar disaster of the residential district and the disaster prevention behavior of the resident.Bring forward the function of Disaster Prevention and Avoidance of different kinds of the green space in the residential district.(2)By means of analyzing the connection of the green space of disaster prevention and avoidance of the residential district and the city, Bring forward the planning principles. On this base, the thesis researches the volume and useful area of the green space of Disaster Prevention and Avoidance in the residential district, emergency exit, plans, Infrastructure and greenbelt. and put forward the planning strategy.(3)Changsha Zongjianguiyuan residential district will be as a sample, the paper analyses the function of Disaster Prevention and Avoidance of the green space, and provide some planning proposal.As the basic element of the green space of the city, the green space of the residential district not only assume the daily life, but also prevent the fire from spreading and evacuated people. the rational allocation of the green space of the residential district has an important effect on the safe and disaster prevention of the residential district, and this rational green space of disaster prevention and avoidance in the residential district will be a lifeline connected with the green space system of disaster prevention and avoidance of the city, and improving the urban disaster prevention performance.
