
东亚地区叶蜂属Tenthredo genitalis和T.sinensis种团系统分类研究

Systematic Study of Tenthredo Genitalis and T.sinensis Groups from East Asia (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae)

【作者】 肖炜

【导师】 魏美才;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 动物学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 叶蜂属Tenthredo L全世界已知970余种,是膜翅目(Hymenoptera)广腰亚目(Symphyta)叶蜂科(Tenthredinidae)最大的属级类群,其中genitalis种团和sinensis种团是东亚叶蜂区系的代表性组分和标志性类群。本文概要介绍了叶蜂属genitalis种团和sinensis种团的基本形态特征;详细总结了Tenthredo genitalis种团和T. sinensis种团的分类研究历史和现状;系统厘订了genitalis种团和sinensis种团已知种类,编制了genitalis种团和sinensis种团分种检索表,共记述genitalis种团10种,包括二新种和三中国新记录种,记述sinensis种团30种,包括三新种;初步分析和总结了东亚叶蜂属genitalis种团和sinensis种团的分布和动物地理特性,探讨了genitalis种团和sinensis种团已知种类地理分布格局,结果表明中国西南地区是genitalis种团和sinensis种团种类分布最密集的地区,初步推断中国西南地区是叶蜂属genitalis种团和sinensis种团的分布和分化中心。文中详细记述了genitalis种团和sinensis种团的已知种类,除个别种类外,每种都有完备的引证、形态描述、成虫和重要特征图、种名词源、分布和检视标本记录、鉴别特征。除另有注明外,所有的研究标本和新种的模式标本保存于中南林业科技大学昆虫系统与进化生物学昆虫模式标本室。论文中描述了5个叶蜂属新种,其中4种分布于中国,1种分布于缅甸:长鞘平斑叶蜂Tenthredo caliroiserrula Wei & Xiao, sp. nov.,大齿平斑叶蜂Tenthredo megadentella Wei & Xiao, sp. nov.,黑胫刺斑叶蜂Tenthredo zhengi Wei & Xiao, sp. nov.,细足刺斑叶蜂Tenthredo tenuipes Wei & Xiao, sp. nov.,菲氏平斑叶蜂Tenthredo ferreri Wei & Xiao, sp. nov.。论文中还描述了3个中国新记录种:膨跗刺斑叶蜂Tenthredo xanthoptera Cameron,1876,低突刺斑叶蜂Tenthredo tuberculifera Konow,1898,细齿刺斑叶蜂Tenthredo vitalisi (Turner,1920)。

【Abstract】 Tenthredo L. is the largest genus of Tenthredinidae of Symphyta, Hymenoptera, with more than 970 known species in the world. Tenthredo genitalis group and sinensis group are two of the important and representative taxa of the sawfly fauna of East Asian Region.This thesis introduced the general morphology of genitalis group and sinensis group of Tenthredo. The research history and present state of the taxonomy of the two groups were discussed in detail. The known species of the two groups were revised. Totally 40 species of the two groups were described, among them 5 new species were described,2 belonging to genitalis group and 3 belonging to sinensis group. Keys to known species of genitalis group and sinensis group were provided. Incitation to names, description in detail, figures of adults and some other important characters, etymology, distribution and specimens examined in this research, and diagnosis to each species, with a few exception, were provided. The five new species are: Tenthredo caliroiserrula Wei & Xiao, sp. nov., Tenthredo rnegadentella Wei & Xiao, sp. nov., Tenthredo zhengi Wei & Xiao, sp. nov. and Tenthredo tenuipes Wei & Xiao, sp. nov. from China, Tenthredo ferreri Wei & Xiao, sp. nov. from Myanmar. And 3 species were recorded for the first time in China:Tenthredo xanthoptera Cameron,1876, Tenthredo tuberculifera Konow,1898 and Tenthredo vitalisi (Turner,1920). The distribution and biogeography of the two species groups were also analyzed. The distribution patterns of the known species of the two groups were probed. The result of the analysis of the biogeography shows that the Southwestern region of China is the main distribution centre and the main differentiation centre of the two groups.Specimens examined in this research including the types of the new species described in the thesis are deposited in the Insect Collection of Central South University of Forestry and Technology, except otherwise mentioned.

  • 【分类号】Q969
  • 【下载频次】39