

The Analysis and Research of the Labor Transfer of Countryside of Hei Longjiang Province

【作者】 武锐

【导师】 潘鸿;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 农业推广, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在全面建设小康社会中,农民培训对农村社会经济发展尤其具有战略意义,可以说是解决“三农”问题的突破口。2006年中央1号文件指出培养造就有文化、懂技术、会经营的新型农民,是建设社会主义新农村的迫切需要。农村劳动力分散输出与劳动力市场集中需求的矛盾还没有很好解决。“十二五”时期,黑龙江省将通过促进多层次、多领域就业,全面推进农民分工分业,力争培训70万农村从业人员,使他们真正掌握一项专业技能,让黑龙江省丰富的农村人力资源真正变成市场渴求的人力资本,为实现农产品生产大省向农产品加工强省跨越提供人力支撑;同时,全力扶持农民创业,力促农村劳动力转移工作再上新台阶。目前绝大多数用工单位对农村劳动力的各项条件都有明确要求,而黑龙江省没有经过统一培训而组织输出的劳动力不完全能适应这种要求,制约了劳动力的转移。论文以黑龙江省作为东北农村劳动力转移调查研究的典型,根据农村劳动力转移相关理论,运用实地调研数据和网络检索资料,分析了黑龙江省农村劳动力转移的现状及存在问题,剖析黑龙江省农村劳动力转移特征及转移技能情况,并提出有针对性对于黑龙江省农村劳动力转移的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening up policy, China’s implementation of household contract responsibility system has greatly improved the farmers’ enthusiasm for production, but also greatly improved the efficiency of agricultural production. Coupled with the recent development of biological engineering, mechanical technology, China’s agricultural productivity has been not only achieved a qualitative change, but also the released a large number of rural labor force. How to solve the problem of rural surplus labor transfer is related to social stability, agricultural development and farmers’constant increase in income and becomes the ultimate solution for“Three Rural”issue.Heilongjiang is China’s major agricultural province, is the country’s major grain production areas for the country’s food security provides important protection. However, Heilongjiang Province, the problem of rural surplus labor force is still more prominent. Heilongjiang Province, only to solve the question of the transfer of rural surplus labor force, only to realize the modernization of agriculture in Heilongjiang, can fundamentally solve the urban-rural dual structure system, the income gap and a series of socio-economic problems.In this paper, relying on survey data, the author finds the reasons for the problems and solutions through in-depth analysis of the formation of surplus labor in rural areas of Heilongjiang province, divided into three parts.The first part contains Chapter I and Chapter II, and introduces the background of this study and the theoretical foundation.The second part is divided into chapters III and IV, makes an analysis of the transfer of rural surplus labor force employment status and problems in Heilongjiang Province respectively.The third part is the conclusion part. With a description of the status quo and an analysis of problems, the author puts forward practical countermeasures for the relevant departments to make decisions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期