

Research on Induced Current Distribution of Active Electromagnetic Armor

【作者】 袁驰

【导师】 魏新劳;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 高电压与绝缘技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 武器系统的防御问题是一项关系国家安全的重要课题,其拥有漫长的研究历史。主动式电磁装甲作为基于电磁发射技术的一项新型的武器装甲技术,可以大幅提高现代武器系统的防御能力。它的产生使武器装甲的防御思想由被动式防御向主动防御转变。相较于传统的防御模式具有不可忽视的优势。本文首先论述了有关主动式电磁装甲及电磁发射技术的的发展和研究现状,并对这种电磁装甲的工作原理、模型进行了阐述。给定主动式电磁装甲发射系统的基本模型。针对所提出的模型建立该电磁装甲系统的电路及运动学数学模型,利用基本的电磁场理论及有限元软件为所提出数学模型所需参数进行计算,得出所需的电感、电感梯度关于发射体与驱动线圈相对位置变化的关系,就不同材质的发射体进行计算。利用动态仿真软件针对数学模型进行建模,并且根据计算出的发射体质量、各回路的回路电阻、电容器放电电压等一系列影响发射效果的参数对整个发射系统进行仿真,得出发射体内部感应电流分布的情况、发射体的速度的变化过程及发射体距离。最后根据所提出的系统结构模型建立试验系统,进行弹射试验,并将所得系统发射结果参数与仿真结果相比较,以检验所提出的数学模型及仿真结果的正确性。为今后的主动式电磁装甲的研究设计提供必要的参考。

【Abstract】 The defense of weapons systems,which has a long history, is a major issue related to the national security. As a new type of weapon armor technology, Active Electromagnetic Armor, which is based on Electromagnetic Launch technology progress, can significantly improve the defense capabilities of modern weapons systems. It has changed the concepts of weapons armor from passive defense to active defense. Compared with the conventional defensive mode, it has more superiorities.This paper firstly discussed the development and the present situation of Active Electromagnetic Armor and Electromagnetic Launch technology and expounded the working principles and basic model.This paper preset the basic model of Active Electromagnetic Armor, and according to the basic model, constructed the electric circuit and mathematical model. Then it calculated the required parameters, by using the basic electromagnetic theory and finite element software, obtained the required function of inductance and inductance gradient with respect to the position between the project and the driver coil, and calculated different materials.A dynamic system simulation software, Sinmulink, was used for modeling and simulation for Active Electromagnetic Armor. The factors that affected the speed of the projectile, such as the quality of projectile, the loop resistance, the initial charge voltage of energy storage capacitor, were analyzed and determined. The author obtained the condition of induced current distribution, the process of speed changing and distance of the projectile.Finally, based on the above research, the preliminary design of the Active Electromagnetic Armor model was completed and a simulation experiment system was finished. A simulation test was done by the simulation experiment system. The test results showed that the model works elementary agree with the simulation analysis results. All the research works provides a foundation for the further research work on Active Electromagnetic Armor.

  • 【分类号】TJ810
  • 【下载频次】87