

The Optimization of Medical Consumables Inventory Management

【作者】 吴红娟

【导师】 王杨; 朱建忠;

【作者基本信息】 大连交通大学 , 物流工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会不断进步和人民生活水平的提高,在十七大中提出了新医改的重要任务,其中一点是要推进公立医院改革,要进一步完善医疗服务体系,坚持非营利性医疗机构为主体、营利性医疗机构为补充,公立医疗机构为主导、非公立医疗机构共同发展的办医原则。这使我国医疗市场进一步规范,同时也加剧了竞争程度,因此医院必须重视降低运营成本,尤其关注物流环节的成本管理。医院的库存成本占物流环节比例很大,因此医用耗材的库存管理显得尤为重要。医用耗材库存管理的目的是在满足医疗活动需求的前提下最大限度的提高效率和降低成本。本文将医用耗材分为低值耗材和高值耗材两类,研究的主要内容是医用耗材的库存及供应管理。以往医用耗材的库存管理较粗放和落后,其主要原因是医院耗材自身特征所致,其次是库存管理方式落后和信息化管理的落后。所以必须在熟知耗材特点的基础上,运用科学的库存方法,实施信息化管理,促使物流与信息流的统一,才能完善医用耗材的库存和供应管理。基于降低成本,创造第三利润源的角度,本文分别对低值耗材和高值耗材的库存管理进行研究。低值耗材的库存管理问题主要是采购和库存管理方式的落后,没有对耗材的需求进行科学的预测,增加了低值耗材的库存量。对于低值耗材的优化研究,本文通过对历史数据的分析,使得未来耗材的需求得到科学的预测,以减少库存,降低采购与库存的成本,达到了优化的目的。高值耗材的库存管理问题主要是供应管理方式落后,没有信息技术的支撑,造成流程繁琐复杂和信息不流通,导致过高的库存,耗费了大量的人力与物力,而且流程的复杂落后导致医疗服务水平不高,患者的满意度受到影响。对于高值耗材的优化研究,为了尽可能实现高值耗材的零库存管理,本文运用业务流程重组与优化的理论方法,对医用耗材的供应管理进行信息化管理和流程优化,尽量实现高值耗材零库存的供应管理,既节省时间,还节约了人力、物力,提高了患者的满意度,使服务水平得到提升。通过运用科学的库存管理方法对低值耗材和高值耗材的库存进行管理与优化,可以提高医院的工作效率,降低工作成本,进而提高医院的竞争力。

【Abstract】 As the society progresses and the improvement of people’s living standard in congress, the new medical reformation is an important content of the 17th people’s congress. The reformation put forward the promotion of public hospital reform and to further improve medical service system. Insist on the principle of the non-profit medical institutions as the core part, the for-profit medical institutions as supplements, public medical institutions as the leadership, the for-profit medical institutions have joint development. This reformation makes our medical market further standardize and aggravated competition degree. Therefore the hospital must pay attention to reduce operating costs, particularly concerned about the cost management of logistics links. The inventory cost get a large proportion of logistics costs, so the medical consumables inventory management is particularly important. The purposes of the inventory management of medical consumables are to utmost improving efficiency and reduce costs in the premise of satisfying demand of medical activities.This paper divide medical consumables into high value and low value consumables. The main research content is the consumables inventory and supplier management. Before the consumables inventory management is more extensive and backwardness, the main reason is the consumables’characters, followed by uncultured inventory management and information management behind. So, based on the characteristics of the inventory applying scientific management method and information to promote unify of logistics and information flow, to perfect the unity of the consumables inventory and supply management. Based on the angle of reduce costs and create third-profit source, this paper respectively on the research of inventory management of low-value and high-value consumables. The problem of low-value consumables inventory management is the backward purchase and inventory management and the unscientific forecast of the demand, it results in larger inventories. For the optimization of the low-value consumables’inventory, through the analysis of historical data, this paper makes the future demand of materials, and predicts not only to make the demand forecast in the future scientifically, but also to reduce the costs of purchasing and inventory, reached the optimization purposes. The problem of high-value consumables inventory management is that the supply management is backward and without technology information to support, causing process trivial and complex, and the information not circulation, so the inventory stays a high level and expends a lot of manpower and materials. The complex process and backward lead to a low medical service level and affect the patients’satisfaction. For the optimization of high-value consumables, this paper uses BPR theory and optimization theory method to perfect the consumables’supply process optimization and information management to realize zero inventory management of high value consumables supply, which save time, still save human power and materials, and improve the patients’satisfaction and the service level.Through using scientific method for the inventory of low-value and high-value consumables management and optimization can improve the hospital efficiency, reduce the cost and improve the competitiveness of hospital.

  • 【分类号】R197.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】338