

The CGE Simulation Analysis of Capital Flow in Gansu Province under the State’s Support

【作者】 付剑秋

【导师】 蔡文浩;

【作者基本信息】 兰州商学院 , 国际贸易学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 2010年国务院提出扶持甘肃发展的若干意见,相信在国家的支持下甘肃省的资本流动方向会逐步发生逆转,从原来的以流出为主过渡到流入与流出持平或者大于流出的情况。资本流动的变化势必会使得经济活动中的产业、要素、居民收入、政府账户等发生较大的变化,因此对资本流动进行CGE模拟分析和社会核算矩阵(SAM)乘数理论分析可以有效的预测经济中主要部门随之相应的变动并做出规避措施。本文沿着瓦尔拉斯一般均衡理论,结合社会核算矩阵模型、线性规划模型和宏观计量经济模型,应用CGE模型的建模原理、参数估计方法来解决国家扶持下甘肃省资本流动这一模拟情况。本文建立的CGE模型,利用宏观闭合规则和微观闭合规则,在保证其解的存在性与唯一性的同时,为满足CGE模型对数据的要求,根据SAM的一般编制原理、方法及调平手段,编制了甘肃省2007年SAM,并采用广义跨熵法(CE)方法进行了调平处理。CGE模型基本结构包括四组方程,分别为需求方程、供给方程、供求方程和均衡方程。本文运用各组方程的优化方程,分析了多要素多部门模型,将模型单元扩展至包含了政府因素和对外经济因素,描述了资本变动下甘肃省经济结构内部的主导产业、总需求、总供给、总产出、总储蓄、政府收入与储蓄、居民收入与储蓄等账户的变动情况。本文的总体框架是依照CGE模型的一般建模程序来架构整篇文章的。从第二章开始建模,第二章为模型中涉及的方程选择与推导,第三章为应用该模型所涉及的数据基础—甘肃省2007年SAM的编制与平衡,第四章为该模型的参数估计及校准,第五章为应用CGE模型得出模拟结果以及其对甘肃省经济分析。第六章为结束语。

【Abstract】 The State Council plan to support the development of a number of observations of Gansu in 2010, I believe Gansu Province will be gradually reverse the flow direction in the support of the state capital,the main outflow from the original to the transition to flat or greater than the inflow and outflow outflows.Capital flows change bound makes industry in the economic activitiesi,elements,income,government accounts etc. larger changes,therefore, capital flows of the CGE simulation analysis and social accounting matrix (SAM) multiplier theory analysis can effectively predict the economy with the corresponding change in key sectors and then make circumvention measures.This article along the Walrasian general equilibrium theory, combin-ation of social accounting matrix model, linear programming models and macro-econometric model. Application of principles of CGE modeling, parameter estimation methods to solve the state support for capital flows in Gansu Province under the simulated conditions.The CGE model is established, with the use of macro- closure rules and micro-closure rules,the solution in ensuring the existence and uniqueness,while CGE models to meet the data requirements, according to the general preparation of SAM principles, methods and means of leveling the preparation of the Gansu Province in 2007 SAM,and the generalized cross-entropy (CE) method was leveling processing. The basic structure of CGE models include four set of equations, namely demand equation, the supply equations, supply and demand equation and a balanced equation.In this paper, the optimization equation of the set of equations, analyze multi-element and multi-sector model, the model is expanded to include the government unit factors and external economic factors,describes the change in the capital of Gansu Province under the leading industries within the economic structure, the total de-mand and total supply, total output, total savings, government revenue and savings, income and savings accounts and other changes.This is in accordance with the general framework of the CGE model framework of the general modeling program to the whole article. Model-ing from the second chapter, Chapter II in the model selection and deriv-ation of the equations involved, the third chapter is the application of the model involved in the data base that is Gansu Province in 2007 and the balance of the establishment of SAM.The model of Chapter Parameter estimation and calibration is in the fourth chapter, the fifth chapter is the application of CGE model simulation results obtained and its economic analysis of Gansu province. The last Chapter is closing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州商学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】F224;F832
  • 【下载频次】79