

A Study of Integrating Lexical Chunks into English Language Teaching in Junior Middle Schools in China

【作者】 邹滢

【导师】 冯辉;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国,初中英语课堂较多以语法为纲组织教学,教授词汇也多是罗列单词,而非通过词块引入单词。这种现状所产生的结果是,学生的学习效果有时不尽如人意。本论文旨在探寻初中英语词块教学对学生学习是否能够起到促进作用。关于词块的研究始于上世纪五十年代,心理学家Miller对组块的概念进行了深入的研究,并认为组块可以帮助人脑进行记忆。Nattinger和DeCarrico (1992)将词块视为词汇-语法单位,处于词汇和语法这两极之间。词块有多种界定和分类方式。鉴于词块对语言习得和学生语言能力的发展有积极作用,以语法为本的结构主义观点已受到挑战,词块在语言课堂中得到了更多的重视。Lewis (1993, 1997)提出了词汇法,建议词块成为教学的核心,而语法的作用应相应减弱。本论文共分为五章。第一章介绍了本研究的目的。第二章进行了关于词块研究的文献综述,旨在为随后第三章的实验研究构筑理论框架。迄今为止的国内外研究多关注将词块应用于大学英语课堂教学,而关于将词块概念融入中学英语教学的文章则较少,尤其是应用于初中英语教学的。本实验以各种词块理论以及Lewis的词汇法为基础。实验工具包括测验、问卷调查和访谈。教学都是围绕词块来开展。通过第四章详细的数据分析,本实验验证了三个假设:将词块融入英语语言教学能够完善学生的综合语言能力;它对提高学生的听力和阅读理解能力有积极的作用;词块教学法使学生认识到了词块的重要性,具备了较强的词块意识,并懂得如何更好地利用词块以优化其学习的不同方面。第五章结论部分讨论了本研究的意义所在和局限性,同时也对将来此方面的进一步研究提出了建议。

【Abstract】 The English classrooms of junior middle schools in China tend to be organized by the principle of grammar and teaching vocabulary is characterized by listing individual words instead of presenting new words in lexical chunks. As a result of the status quo, students‘learning effect is sometimes unsatisfactory. This thesis aims to find whether integrating lexical chunks into English language teaching in junior middle schools can aid students‘learning.The study of chunks began in the 1950s when psychologist Miller probed into the concept of chunking, positing that it can facilitate human memorizing process. Regarded by Nattinger & DeCarrico (1992) as lexical-grammatical units, lexical chunks lie somewhere between the traditional poles of vocabulary and grammar. They can be termed, defined and classified in various ways. Seeing that lexical chunks play an active role in language acquisition and the development of students‘language abilities, researchers have begun to challenge structuralists‘viewpoint of teaching grammar as the basis and attach more importance to lexical chunks in language classrooms. Lewis (1993, 1997) who proposed the famous Lexical Approach suggested that lexical chunks be the centre of teaching while grammar play a comparatively subordinate role.The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the purpose of the study. The second chapter carries out literature review on lexical chunks to provide the rationale for the experiment which follows in the third chapter. Researches both at home and abroad are often concerned with the application of lexical chunks to English classrooms in universities, but there are fewer articles on integrating the concept of lexical chunks into English teaching in middle schools, especially in junior middle schools. The experiment is based on Lewis‘s Lexical Approach as well as various theories concerning lexical chunks. During the experiment, tests, questionnaires and interviews were the instruments adopted and teaching methods focusing on lexical chunks were implemented. Via detailed data analysis conducted in the fourth chapter, three hypotheses were verified: the approach of incorporating lexical chunks into English language teaching can help improve students‘comprehensive language ability; it has a positive effect on their listening and reading comprehension; it enables students to realize the importance of lexical chunks, become more aware of lexical chunks and know how to make better use of them to optimize different aspects of their study. The fifth chapter not only concludes the whole thesis with implications and limitations of the study but also makes suggestions for future studies.

【关键词】 词块英语教学初中
【Key words】 lexical chunksEnglish language teachingjunior middle schools
  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】536