

Evaluation Method and Empirical Research of Emergency Hedge Function of Urban Public Green Space Based on GIS

【作者】 尉雪敬

【导师】 吕成文;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 地图学与GIS, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市化进程的加速,城市发展所造成城市环境问题的日益突出,城市公共绿地的建设由于其净化空气、休闲娱乐、视觉审美及防灾减灾等方面的功能,越来越受到城市居民的重视。以改善城市环境、美化城市景观为目标的城市绿地和强化城市防灾避险功能的城市绿地的结合建设,已成为当前城市建设与可持续发展的重要内容。《“十一五”期间国家突发公共事件应急体系建设规划》提出,“省会城市和百万人口以上城市按照有关规划和标准,加快应急避难场所建设工作”。在这样的背景下,加强防御、控制城市灾害,增强城市综合防灾减灾能力是当今国内外减灾工作的重中之重,而城市绿地系统在城市综合防灾减灾体系中占有十分重要的位置。本文首先在系统阐述了城市绿地的概念、功能以及城市灾害的类型、产生因素和特点的基础上,探讨了城市公共绿地在城市应急避险功能方面的重要作用。在总结前人评价城市公共绿地功能方法的基础上,建立了城市公共绿地应急避险功能评价指标体系:可达性指标、绿地服务规模(包括绿地服务区域面积和服务区域人口)、疏散能力指标。并运用这些指标,基于ArcGIS 9.2网络分析模块,对合肥市城市公共绿地的应急避险功能进行了分析。从合肥市城市公共绿地应急避险功能的评分结果中可以看出,在文中所选的四个城市公共绿地中,生态公园绿地的应急避险功能较好。这主要是因为就所研究的区域而言,其交通的可达性好、服务区域面积较大、服务区域内人口较多、疏散能力较强。尽管杏花公园、花冲公园的服务区域所能容纳的人口较多,服务区域面积较大,但其交通可达性相对较差,综合评分相对较低。逍遥津公园由于其地理位置的优势,处于所研究的小区中央,交通可达性较好,但其服务区域面积较小、服务区域所能容纳的人口较少、疏散能力较弱,总体评分较低。评价实例数据表明本文所采用的评价指标体系能较客观地反映城市公共绿地应急避险功能的优劣;与传统的调查方法相比,本文获取评价指标数据的方法具有快速、准确的特点。希望通过这些方面的研究分析所给出的评价数据和分析结论可以为城市公共绿地系统的建设和改造提供参考,有助于更好地发挥城市公共绿地的防灾减灾功能和它在整个城市生态系统中的积极作用。

【Abstract】 Environment issues caused by urban development are continuing to worsen in terms of the acceleration of urbanization. The construction of urban green space is being paid more attention, because of its function of air purification, entertainment, aesthetics, disaster prevention and reduction, etc. The combinative construction of urban green space in order to improve the city environment ,beautify the city landscape and strengthen the function of disaster prevention and evacuation hedge has become the important content of urban construction and sustainable development.“Speeding up the construction work of emergency shelter according to the relative planning and standard in capital cities and cities with more than 1 million people”, is proposed in“National Plan for Public Emergency System Construction during Eleventh Five-Year Plan”. Therefore, strengthening defense, controlling urban disasters and reinforcing the urban comprehensive disaster prevention and mitigation capacity is the top priority of our work at home and abroad. Urban green system occupies the very important position in urban comprehensive disaster prevention and mitigation system.In this thesis, the concept and function of urban green space were elaborated firstly, and then the roles of urban green space in emergency evacuation were discussed based on the types, factors and characteristics of urban disasters. Based on the predecessor’s evaluation methods for urban public green functions, a new evaluation index systemfor emergency hedge function of urban green space was established, including the index of accessibility, the service scale of urban green space (the service area and the service population) and the index of evacuation ability ; afterwards, the evacuation hedge function in Hefei city was analyzed based on the above indices by Network Analyst module in ArcGIS 9.2.The result showed that the evacuation hedge function of Ecological Park is much better than others, due to its good transportation accessibility, large service area and more service population and strong evacuation capacity. Despite of the strong capacity of population and large service areas in Xinghua Park and Huachong Park, the transportation accessibility are relatively weak and their comprehensive scores are low. Xiao Yaojin Park, which located in the central part of the researched area, owns good transportation accessibility because of geographic location advantages,, conversely got the low score because of its weak evacuation capacity, small service area and little service population.The case data revealed that the advantages and disadvantages of emergency hedge of urban green space were objectively reflected by the evaluation index system. Comparing with the traditional investigation method, this new system can obtain the evaluation index data quickly and accurately. It is hoped that the above evaluation data and conclusions could provide the reference for the construction and reform of urban public green system, which would be helpful for playing roles of urban public green space in disaster prevention and mitigation as well as the protection of urban ecology system.
