

Research on the Vicissitudes of Migrant Workers’ Social Security System in Our Country from the Perspective of Urbanization (1978-2010)

【作者】 徐晶晶

【导师】 庄华峰;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 社会保障, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 农民工是我国经济社会发展过程中出现的过渡性群体,也是一个特殊群体,他们为城市化建设做出了巨大的贡献,但是由于种种制度的限制,使农民工遭受“经济上被接纳,社会上被排斥”尴尬处境,享受不到城市居民所享有的各种保障。由此也带来诸多社会问题,建立和完善农民工的社会保障制度就势在必行!社会保障权是宪法赋予每个公民的权利,覆盖着人的生存与发展,它不是施舍与恩赐,而是法律层面的制度安排与需求,公平与平等是其内在属性。本文注重以主体关系的平衡为标准,把农民工社会保障制度的发展分为三个维度,并将每个维度之间的相互关系、力量对比作为分析农民工社会保障制度发展问题的“切入点”,结合各种理论,做了以下几个方面的研究:首先,综合介绍农民工与城市化,着重分析二者的相互关系,点出农民工社会保障制度发展的必要性和特殊性,为接下来的分析研究打下坚实基础。其次,以特殊事件为节点分三个阶段介绍农民工社会保障制度的发展史,总结并分析其发展特点。再次,着眼于现行农民工社会保障制度发展状况,系统对造成农民工社会保障缺失的制度主体关系、制度操作流程、权益责任意识以及相关配套措施等方面做了较为细致的研究。最后,从制度发展应坚持的原则出发,强调可及性与可得性、前瞻性与适应性的统一,从政府、企业、农民工的关系出发,提出完善优化农民工社会保障制度的思路,要从城乡二元结构及其相关制度的大胆改革开始,具体到从制度设计到操作实施再到反馈控制都应该公平合理、有序高效。

【Abstract】 Migrant workers is a transitional and special group which appeared in the process of China’s economic and social development. Having made great contribution to urbanization construction, however, due to various system limit, migrant workers are suffering from a dilemma that "economically accepted, socially excluded" , cannot enjoy all kinds of security as city residents. Thus many social problems comes out. It is imperative to establish and perfect the system of social security for migrant workers!It is every citizen’s constitutional right to enjoy social security. Covering men’s survival and development, it is not charity or gift, but the institutional arrangements and legal level demands, with fairness and equality as its intrinsic properties.This paper focuses on the balance of subject-object relations for standard, divide the development of social security system for migrant workers into three dimensions, and treat the relationship between each dimension ,the comparative strength ,as the entry point to analysis the problems concerning the development of social security system for migrant workers, combining various theories, did the following research in several aspects: First of all, comprehensively introduce and urbanization, highlighted on the analysis of the relationship between the two, pointing out the necessity and speciality of development of the social security system for migrant workers, which lays a solid foundation for the following study. Secondly, with special event for node, describe the history of the social security system for migrant workers in three phases, summarize and analyse its characteristics. Again, focusing on current development situation of migrant workers ’ social security systems, do a detailed study systematically on the institutional subject-object relations, system operation process, right- responsibility consciousness and measures concerned which have caused the lack of systems of social security for migrant workers subject relationship awareness, system processes, rights, responsibilities and related measures do a more detailed study. Finally, from principles that system development should adhere to, emphasize unity of accessibility and accessibility, forward-looking and adaptability. Based on the relationship among government, enterprises and migrant workers, declare the path to perfect social security for migrant workers. Based on the urban-rural structure and systematic reform related, from system design to operation and implementation to feedback control, it should be fair, ordered and efficient.

【关键词】 农民工社会保障城市化
【Key words】 Migrant workerSocial securityUrbanization