

Theme of the Tang Dynasty Buddhist Fiction

【作者】 朱思敏

【导师】 俞晓红;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 唐代文言小说内容丰富,题材多样,佛教题材的作品占据其中较大一部分。本文首先探讨这些题材的文本内容,再着重分析其中的情节艺术,最后探讨唐代文言小说佛教题材流行的原因。绪论部分探讨本课题的研究目的和意义,梳理它的研究历史和现状,确立研究对象,指出本文的研究方法和基本思路,并说明论文的疑难点和不足之处。第一章主要梳理分析作品,探讨四种佛教类题材的具体内容。灵验类题材内容较为简单,主要写人们通过诵经写经、造像建寺等信佛活动获得佛法庇佑;果报类题材侧重于彰显恶有恶报,其中杀生遭报、违礼遭报等故事比较常见,还有少量的动物报恩故事;复活类题材探析则从复活的手段切入,分为信佛而复活、施法而复活、因情而复活;法术类题材乃从法术在小说中所起的作用入手,分为法术施厄和法术释厄两种情形研究。第二章综合分析这四类题材情节艺术,首先探讨四类题材各自具有的功能性情节,即“遇险”、“报应”、“魂游”、“法术”;其次分析四类题材共有的情节模式“遭厄——救助”;又次则探析四类题材小说情节的结构形式特征。第三章在了解前代佛教题材的基础上,考察佛教题材盛行于唐的原因。首先分析佛教文化的历史积淀,从因果观念本土化、六朝“释氏辅教之书”两方面来探讨;其次从时代社会环境入手,分析统治者的推崇、佛教宗派的繁荣及讲唱文学的流播对佛教题材流行的作用;继而寻绎作者主观介入的原因,探讨佛教题材在唐代蔚为大观的原因。结语部分对论文进行总结,指出唐代文言小说佛教题材的艺术成就与不足,兼及它对后世文学所产生的深远影响。

【Abstract】 In the Tang Dynasty ,novel rich in content and subject matter varied. This article focuses on Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty theme of the novel, The text as the basis for classifying the content of Buddhist themes. First, the content of the text, and then analyzes the types of these themes in the plot, and finally discuss the social and historical and cultural background of the novel in the Tang Dynasty Buddhist themes popular.Introduction part of the purpose and significance of the research project, combing the history and current status of its research to establish the object of study of this topic, points out the research methods and basic ideas, and explain the difficult point paper and inadequacies.The first chapter, according to the text of the novel in the Tang Dynasty, came out with one of the four main types. The first quarter of subjects relatively simple efforts, mainly by chanting XieJing write people, sculpture JianSi dharma activities obtain such buddhist protector. The second quarter of retribution theme focuses on reveal las toman, including killing enemies, violations ritual compare common enemies, etc, have a small story, so the animal gratitude from the story of three aspects to comb the retribution subject matter. The third quarter to explore the method from resurrection of themes, divided into resurrection cast a buddhist and resurrection, raised, and rose again because of the situation. The fourth quarter theme, and discussed from spells of spells in the novel, the role of joash, divided into spells of eritrea and spell eritrea’s release.The second chapter,of the four types of Buddhism novels plot, that alone has the function of each type of plot,The first section discusses four kinds of subjects each has functional plot, respectively is "distress", "karma", "soul swim", "spells". The second quarter of four types of subjects were analyzed by eritrea plot model "zaoe- jiuzhu". The third quarter is the theme contains webblogs form traits structure of plot .The third chapter attempts to explore Buddhist themes prevalent in the Tang Dynasty novel reasons, The first quarter the historical accumulation analysis of previous generations, from causal concept localization, six dynasties "interpretation of auxiliary teaching’s book" two respects are discussed. The second section is from the era social environment, and analyses the ruler of elevation, Buddhism sect of prosperity and speeches of Buddhism theme of literature both the popular role. The third quarter find the author discusses the reasons behind the subjective intervention in this thesis categorized tang of reason.Epilogue summarizes the thesis that in the Tang Dynasty Buddhist themes in the novel and the lack of artistic achievements, and its far-reaching impact on future generations.

【关键词】 佛教题材情节唐代文言小说
【Key words】 Buddhist themesplotTang Fiction