

The Design and Implementation of CSLA and CAB-based Pension Actuarial System

【作者】 叶盛

【导师】 骆源; 茅忠明;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 计算机技术, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 当前通过结合使用微软.NET框架与第三方框架开发构建企业级应用系统已越来越普遍。CSLA是一个基于.NET框架的第三方应用程序框架,其设计目标是支持一个完全意义上的面向对象编程模型、提供高可伸缩性和良好性能、以及简化.NET一些复杂主题;微软CAB为开发智能客户端程序提供了良好的支持,松散耦合与“模型-视图-展示器”模式运用是其最大的特点。本文重点研究了如何应用.NET框架、CSLA框架、CAB框架以及其它技术构建和设计开发养老金精算系统,并针对框架实际运用中产生的问题一一提出具有创新意义的解决方案。主要工作包括了:1.应用CSLA框架设计实现养老金精算系统的业务逻辑层。通过使用和扩展CSLA提供的对象模板设计出满足实际需求的对象关系模型。本文以系统中假设参数对象模型作为典型示例进行阐述。利用CSLA提供的命令对象模板设计出的批量保存参数功能有效解决了因编辑参数过多而导致保存动作过于频繁的问题。2.应用CAB框架设计实现养老金精算系统的展示层。本文以假设参数树形管理器组件为例,描述了CAB框架强调的MVP模式与松散耦合思想在展示层设计中的实现。3.提出在网络间传输压缩数据的解决方案,以解决使用CSLA数据门户进行数据传输时数据量过大引起的性能问题。该解决方案通过使用压缩管理器封装GZip压缩算法和客户端/服务器两端可配置压缩管理实现。4.应用企业库和SQL Server提供的原生XML数据类型保存对象数据,实现领域对象的持久化,为数据管理、维护和扩展提供更好的灵活性。5.结合.NET、CSLA与微软活动目录实现系统安全。6.应用XML技术实现多国家支持模式,消除了大量根据国家信息创建对应对象的流程控制语句,提高了代码的可读性与可维护性。

【Abstract】 Recently it is more and more popular to use Microsoft.NET Framework andthird party frameworks to develop and build enterprise application. CSLA is athird-party application framework based on.NET. The goals of CSLA are to support afull object oriented programming model, to enable high scalability, to enable highperformance, and to simply some complex issues of.NET. Microsoft CAB supportsdevelopment of Smart Client program well. Loose coupling and usage of“Model-View-Presenter” pattern are the biggest features of CAB.The thesis focuses on researching how to use.NET, CSLA, CAB and othertechnology to build, design and develop a pension actuarial system, and givescorresponding innovative solutions for the issues found in process of usingframeworks. The major job includes:1. Use CSLA to design and implement business logic layer of pension actuarialsystem. Using and extending object templates provided by CSLA could design theobject relationship model to meet requirements. The thesis takes Assumptionsparameters model as the typical example to demonstrate. The functionality of batchparameters saving designed by CSLA command object template could solve the issueof frequently parameters saving effectively.2. Use CAB to design and implement presentation layer of pension actuarial system.The thesis takes Assumptions explorer tree component as the example to describe theimplementation of MVP pattern and loose coupling idea emphasized by CAB.3. Give the solution for transferring compressed data on network to solve theperformance issue when sending large quantity of data by CSLA data portal. It achieves by using Compression Manager to encapsulate GZip compression algorithmand configurable compression management in both client and server.4. Use Enterprise Library and native XML data type provided by SQL Server tostore object data to achieve domain object’s persistence and provide better flexibilityfor data management, maintenance and extension.5. Integrate.NET, CSLA and Microsoft Active Directory to achieve system security.6. Use XML to achieve multi-country supported pattern to eliminate a large amountof code of creating corresponding objects per country information. It improvesreadability and maintenance of code.

【关键词】 .NETCSLACAB养老金精算系统
【Key words】 .NETCSLACABPension Actuarial System