

IFC Building Management System Integration

【作者】 周密

【导师】 李健; 谢振宇;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 软件工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 中国智能化建筑的发展异常迅猛,而上海作为亚洲金融中心之一,在中国建筑智能化的发展中一直处于领跑位置。新矗立于浦东小陆家嘴X2地块的上海国际金融中心(IFC)的设计师们秉承绿色环保和智能化的设计理念,在楼宇管理系统(BMS)上也有着出色的表现。BMS作为楼宇运行的核心系统,隶属于整个楼宇的最高监控和管理层。它通过分布式的网络信息平台,将楼宇内的楼宇自动化控制系统(BAS)、综合安防系统(SAS)、消防系统(FAS)和停车场管理系统(CPMS)等集成为一个完整个体,达到信息共享、智能控制和环保节能的目的。文章介绍了从IFC业主实际需求出发进行设计的一款性价比很高的BMS。系统既保留了常规楼宇智能化管理系统的优点、又结合了创新的集成技术以实现业主的需求。目前该系统一直在顺利运行中,并不断为业主产生新的管理价值。BMS系统基于施耐德旗下的I/A自控系统。该系统基于开放性的Niagara Frame-workTM架构,基于Java语言的对象模型,并内置互联网连接机制,支持XML的数据处理和开放的应用编程接口。文章由项目的总体需求入手,分析了BMS用户群的类型特征,制定了系统的整体功能目标模型,包括:事件管理和处置、协同工作、查询统计、报警通知、紧急联动和应急预案管理等。在此基础上,进一步的搭建了系统的软件框架和网络架构。系统采取了B/S结构,在软件结构上分为四层:用户界面层、应用服务层、中间服务层、数据分析层。根据系统的功能需要,各子系统需要将不同的信息传送给BMS。这些信息内容包括设备运行信息、事件信息、业务信息和多媒体信息等。文章通过OPC、Modbus、Web Service协议方式等上述子系统信息上传到BMS服务器,并给出了各种协议的实际接口解决方案:○1基于OPC协议方式集成涉及到如何实现OPC数据存取,如何利用OPC协议组件接口、如何进行OPC服务器远程访问设置等内容。○2在OPC协议基础上,结合基本Modbus协议通讯方式,构造了Modbus-OPC接口方式的软件架构。分析了该架构下的对象功能和多线程技术实现的数据库关系。○3Web Service技术也在项目中得到运用。选用了适合关系数据库之间数据转换的表映射方法,将一般关系数据文件格式映射成为XML格式数据,并利用ActiveX技术实现XML格式文件基于WebService技术的集成。IFC项目实施过程中的流程管理和人员组织安排也进行了介绍,并对系统的用户界面进行了测试。最后,对整个项目的实施进行了回顾,提出了工程中产生的问题以及解决的设想,并对未来的工作进行了展望。

【Abstract】 With the extraordinarity rapid development of intelligent buildings in China, Shanghai,as one of the Asia’s finacial center, is the leader one. The designers of International FinancialCentre(IFC), which stands in X2plots of the small Lujiazui in Shanghai, adhering to theconcept of the green and intelligent had a good performance in building management system(BMS).BMS acts as the core system of the building running is the part of the highest control andmanagement level in the entire building. Through the distrubted network platform, itintegrated BAS, SAS, FAS and CPMS into a complete individual, to achieve informationsharing, intelligent control, environmental protection and energy saving purposes.It is described a highly cost BMS based on the actual needs of IFC owners. The systemnot only retained the adavantages of the conventional BMS, but also took some newinnovative integratd technology to realize the needs of owners. It had been running smoothlyand continuously for the owners and making more and more new management value.The BMS based on Schneider’s I/A system. I/A system is designed in the openNiagara FrameworkTMarchitecture, Java-based object model and built-in Internet connectionmechanism. It can support for XML data processing and open application programminginterface.On the basis of project demand analysis, it is comes to classify the characteristics of theuser base and formulate the whole function target model, inculding: event management anddisposal, collaborative work, query statistics, alarm notification, emergency interaction andmanagement of contingency plans. Then, the system software framework and networkarchitecture were built. By choosing the B/S structure, the software architecture was dividedinto four layers: user interface layer, application service layer, intermediate service layer anddata analysis layer. The subsystems information was passed to the BMS according to the function need. Thecontents of subsystems information included equipment operating information, eventinformation, business information and multimedia information. It was not only described howthis information had been uploaded to the BMS server by OPC, Modbus and Web Servicetechnology, but also showed the actual solution of the interface. First, OPC integrationinvolved how to achieve OPC Data Access(DA), how to use OPC component interface andhow to set up OPC server remote access. Second, based on the OPC protocol, combined withbasic Modbus protocol communication mode, it was constructed the software architecture ofthe Modbus-OPC interfaces. It contained the object function and database relationshipacheived by multi-threading technology. Third, web service technology was used in theproject also. By table mapping method which is very suitable for relational database formatconversion, data was set into XML format. Then, ActiveX technology was used to finish theXML format file integration based on Web Service.When the software job of the project was finished, the process management and the stafforganization during IFC implementation were also introduced. The BMS’s user interface wastested.Finally, reviewed the implementation of the project, some problems and solutions wereput forward. The article prospected for future work at last.

【关键词】 BMSOPCWeb ServiceModbusI/A系统
【Key words】 BMSOPCWeb ServiceModbusI/A system