

Resource Investigation and Evaluation of Wild Ornamental Plants in Langya Mountain Scenic Area

【作者】 涂清芳

【导师】 丁彦芬;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 琅琊山地处安徽滁州西南,是国家重点风景名胜区和国家森林公园,华东地区著名的文化旅游胜地。随着经济发展和旅游业兴起,琅琊山植物资源及其可持续发展受到影响,然而关于琅琊山植物资源的系统研究目前还很少。本研究通过实地植物样线调查和样方调查等,整理并分析琅琊山风景区的野生观赏植物资源,并对琅琊山野生植物群落的结构、群落特征、物种多样性以及群落的优化等进行了研究分析,主要结论如下:(1)经样线调查和文献整理,筛选出野生、半野生状态的观赏植物共111科313属487种,包含裸子植物4科8属8种,被子植物107科306属479种。(2)根据植物的生物学习性及观赏特性等,对筛选出的487种野生观赏植物进行了优势科、优势属、单种科、生长型、观赏型、应用型的分析,指出这些植物的观赏特点与园林中的运用方式。(3)整理出琅琊山风景区中的珍稀濒危植物资源,并对主要濒危植物进行分布、数量及生长状况的调查,提出可持续发展及保护建议。(4)通过在琅琊山各个方位的不同山上做的14个样方,对琅琊山风景区的植物群落进行了系统的调查,对群落特征和物种多样性进行了分析,为野生植物群落的优化及开发提供数据参考。(5)以样方调查与分析的数据为基础,对各个野生植物群落进行景观现状及优化分析,并精简提炼出21个适应性强且美观的野生植物搭配模式,为野生植物群落的开发利用提供参考。

【Abstract】 Langya Mountain is located in the southwest of Chuzhou, Anhui Province. it is the nationalkey scenic spots, the National Forest Park, and the famous cultural attractions in east China.Withthe rise of economic development and tourism, the plant resources and their sustainabledevelopment are affected. However the research on the plant resources in Langya Mountain wasstill rare.In this study,through the line transect and quadrat surveys, has completed the collation andanalysis of the wild ornamental plant resources in langya Mountain. The structure, characteristics,species diversity and optimization of wild plant communities were also researched and analyzed.The main conclusions were as follows:(1)111Section313genera and487kinds wild ornamental plants were screened through theline transect survey and literature finishing.(2)According to the biological habitual behavior and ornamental characteristics,hasanalyzed the dominant families, dominant genera, single-species family, life forms, ornamentalforms and application forms of the487kinds wild ornamental plants, and pointed out theirOrnamental characteristics and garden use.(3)Has sorted out the rare and endangered plants resources in Langya Mountain ScenicArea, investigated their distribution, number and growth conditions, and has put forwardSustainable development and protection recommendations(4) Through has done14quadrats in Langya Mountain,plant communities were surveyedcomprehensively, community characteristics and species diversity were analyzed. Aim was toprovide reference data for the optimization and development of wild plant communities.(5)Basis on the data of the quadrat Survey and analysis, has analysed Landscape Status andoptimization of the various wild plant communities.21modes of wild plants Configurationwhich were adaptable and beautiful were proposed to provide a reference for the developmentand utilization of wild plant communities.

  • 【分类号】S68
  • 【被引频次】4
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