

Forest Landscape Pattern and Fragmentation Change Assessment Based on the "3S" Technique

【作者】 孙飞

【导师】 佘光辉;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 森林经理学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 基于两期全球最新300m分辨率土地覆盖数据库Globcover数据,对东北、西南、南方三个试验区做森林景观格局分析;在5×5分析窗口下采用森林破碎化分析模型将三个试验区及各省森林划分为内部、孔洞、边界、斑块、过渡及未确定6种破碎化成分,同时识别人为干扰空间位置及烈度,以此建立三个试验区和省级尺度的具有明确空间意义的森林破碎化模式地图。评价三个试验区和省级尺度森林破碎化模式,以省为单位采集道路密度、居民受教育程度、城市化水平、人口密度及人均GDP等与破碎化成分建立统计关联,进行破碎化社会经济影响分析。结果如下:2005年到2009年间,东北地区、南方地区和西南地区的的森林斑块均发生变化,森林景观格局均发生较大的变化。,森林斑块数量和森林斑块边缘密度增加,森林斑块平均周长、森林斑块聚集度、森林斑块分形维、森林斑块平均形状指数减小。森林内部面积缩小,作为物质、能量和物种交流的森林廊道被切断,森林斑块彼此被隔离,说明人为干扰增加。2005年至2009年间,东北地区的辽宁省、吉林省、黑龙江省和内蒙古自治区的内部森林面积增加,孔洞森林面积增加,斑块森林面积相应减少;说明东北地区森林破碎化干扰增加的同时,国家采取了森林保护措施,实施造林工程,森林内部面积得到增加。2005年至2009年间,南方地区的福建省、江西省、湖北省、湖南省、广东省、广西省的内部森林面积比例减少,孔洞森林面积增加。南方地区经济社会发展迅速,随着人口增长,对森林的人为干扰也相应增加,近几年南方地区自然气候环境变化大,经常出现冰雹、雨雪天气等,对森林有一定的自然干扰,且南方易出现极端干旱天气,极易引起森林火灾。2005年至2009年间,西南地区的西藏自治区、云南省、贵州省、四川省、重庆市的内部森林面积减少,孔洞森林面积增加,斑块森林面积变化不大。西南地区主要为云贵高原,四川盆地和青藏高原高山山地区,地形气候复杂,经济发展没有其他地区快,森林砍伐较多,人为干扰烈度较强,气候复杂多样,森林火险等级较大,自然干扰影响较强。2005年间,受教育程度(高中以上人数比例)、人均GDP和城市化水平(城镇人口比重)对森林景观破碎化的影响较大;2009年间,除人均GDP外,人口密度和道路密度对森林景观破碎化也有较大影响。研究表明森林景观破碎化主要是由于自然环境的影响、人口的快速增长、土地利用扩展和道路交通的快速发展导致的。森林景观破碎化是一个长期的、复杂的社会问题,需要整个社会采取涉及政策、经济及教育等领域的综合措施以最小化对现存森林的干扰,降低对森林生态系统的潜在威胁,保障生态安全。

【Abstract】 Based on the latest two Globcover databases with a spatial resolution of300m, I analyzedthe forest landscape pattern of the three regions, which was northeast region,southwest regionand south region.A forest fragmentation model was applied to classify each forest pixel intoone of the six fragmentation components, including interior, perforated, edge, patch,transitional and undetermined at the analytical window of5×5pixels. Those areas having highamount of anthropogenic disturbances were located by interpreting anthropogenic disturbance(Pfa) values derived from the model. Ultimately, a suite of forest fragmentation maps withspatially explicit implications were produced to present the fragmentation patterns. This workwas also to probe the socioeconomic and environmental drivers for forest fragmentation.Specifically, the road density,the educated degree, the urbanization level, the populationdensity and the per capita GDP were captured to correlate with the established forestfragmentation components to explain the spatial variability of driving forces responsible forforest fragmentation by implementing correlation analysis.Results showed as follows:During2005to2009, in the northeast region, south region and southwest region, Forestlandscape patches varied considerably, forest landscape patches quantity and forest patchesedge density increased, but forest average patches perimeter, forest average patches area,forest patches aggregation index, forest patches fractal dimension and forest patches averageshape index decreased. Forest internal area reduced, as material, energy and species exchangeways, forest corridor was cut off, forest patches isolated each other, which result fromlong-term human disturbance.During2005to2009,in the northeast region,such as Liaoning province, Jilin province,Heilongjiang province and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the interior forest areasincreased,and the perforated forest area also increased,the patch forest areas decreased.Forestfragmentation interference increased,at the same time,forest protection measures andafforestation project were taken, the forest interior areas increased.During2005to2009,in the southern region,such as Fujian province,Jiangxiprovince,Hubei province,Hunan province,Guangdong provinces and Guangxi ZhuangAutonomous Region, the interior forest areas reduced,perforated forest areas increased.Duringthe rapid economic and social development, with the growth of population, humandisturbances also increased accordingly.In recent years, the South natural climate has changedfrequently, hail, sleet and dry weather often appeared, the dry weather was extremely easy tocause forest fire,During2005to2009, in the southwest region,such as the Tibet Autonomous Region,Yunnan province, Guizhou province,Sichuan province and city of Chong qing,theinterior forest areas reduced,perforated forest areas increased.the patch forest areas slightlychanged.the areas include the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Sichuan Basin and Qinghai-TibetPlateau high Shanshan area terrain,Topographic and climate were complex, compared withdeveloped regions,the economic development rate was slowly,deforestation wasfrequent,human disturbance intensity was strong, climate were complex and diversed, forestfire often happened, natural disturbance influence were strong.In2005, the educated degree,the per capita GDP and the urbanization were allsignificantly correlated with the forest fragmentation components. In2009, the per capitaGDP, the population density and the road density were also significantly correlated with theforest fragmentation components.In conclusion, forest fragmentation in China was primarily attributed to the influence ofthe natural environment and widespread anthropogenic disturbances and heavy traffic,particularly, the expansion of agricultural land uses driven by a huge population. forestfragmentation is a long-term, complex societal issue, which requires a comprehensive measurethat is closely associated with political, economic and educational processes to be taken tominimize the impacts of human events on the existing forests, to mitigate the potential threatsof forest fragmentation to forest ecosystems to ensure the ecological security of nation.

  • 【分类号】S718.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】171