

Research on Intellectual Property Operation of Enterprise from the Perspective of Economics

【作者】 黄春花

【导师】 朱乃肖;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 国民经济学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着知识经济的到来,知识产权已经成为企业价值的重要组成部分,充分挖掘和实现企业知识产权价值是增加企业利润的有效途径。因此本文研究的知识产权运营正是从知识产权创造、知识产权保护和知识产权资产经营三个阶段论述知识产权的价值创造、价值提取和价值实现的过程,并在此基础上构造了企业知识产权运营的体系,最后以实际案例说明了知识产权运营体系在实践中的运用。本文主要内容如下:首先,综述了知识产权在经济学领域的研究成果。知识产权在经济学领域的研究主要集中在三个方面:知识产权保护与技术创新的关系、知识产权与经济增长的关系以及知识产权与对外贸易的关系,并且研究呈现出以下几个方面的特点:第一,研究视角主要集中于知识产权保护,而对知识产权价值的提取与价值实现研究的较少;第二,研究范围集中于国家、区域以及国家之间、区域之间知识产权实施战略较多,对单个企业的知识产权运营管理研究比较少;第三,研究的理论基础主要集中在西方经济学和相关的实证工具的运用上,而从政治经济学角度阐述知识产权经营的理论基础则很少,而本文从政治经济理论视角来研究知识产权价值的决定和价值的实现,并构建知识产权运营体系,是对知识产权研究的新发展。其次,本文的理论基础。为了说明知识产权的价值,本文以马克思的劳动价值理论作为研究框架。首先知识产权也是商品,具有使用价值和价值,满足商品的二因素理论;其次知识产权是智力劳动创造的结晶,智力劳动同样创造价值,智力劳动价值论是对劳动价值论的新发展;再次,知识产权是企业的重要无形资本,资本在运动中增值。产业资本在循环过程中依次要经过购买、生产和销售三个阶段,知识产权在循环过程中同样要经过这三个阶段,依次完成价值创造、价值提取和价值实现三个任务。再次,在理论基础之上,构建了企业的知识产权运营体系,包括三个系统:知识产权目标系统、知识产权运营体制的建立、知识产权激励机制的建立。其中知识产权运营体制主要包括三个方面内容:知识产权创造、知识产权保护、知识产权资产经营。最后,以珠海纳斯达公司为研究案例,论证了知识产权运营系统在实践中的运用。纳斯达的知识产权运营系统包括四个方面:知识产权创造系统、知识产权保护系统、知识产权经营系统和知识产权人才培养系统。本文还总结了纳斯达公司在实践中为了提升知识产权的商业价值所使用的策略,以期可以为企业在知识产权价值实现过程中提供有用的参考。

【Abstract】 With the advent of knowledge economy, intellectual property has become animportant part of enterprise value. Fully tapping and realizing the value of intellectualproperty is an effective way to increase the profit of enterprise. So in this paper,intellectual property operation includes three stages: intellectual property creation,intellectual property protection and intellectual property management and from thesethree stages, value creation and value extraction and value realization of intellectualproperty will be discussed. And on the basis of the theory, intellectual propertyoperation system model is set up. Finally an actual case shows the operation system ofintellectual property in practical application. Main contents of this paper are asfollows:First of all, the research results of intellectual property in the fields of economicsare summarized. Researches of intellectual property in the economic sphere,contribution are reflected in three aspects: intellectual property protection andtechnology innovation, the relationship between intellectual property and economicgrowth, relationship between intellectual property and foreign trade. I find thatintellectual property research has the following characteristics: first, the angle ofresearch mainly focuses on intellectual property rights protection, less in valuerealization research; Second, the scope of research mainly from macro perspective:such as form the perspective of nation, region, less attention in the individualenterprise; Third, the theory fundamentals mainly focus on western economics andrelevant empirical tools application, from the Angle of economics and politicstheoretical foundation less. Therefore, this paper attempts study the value decision andvalue realization from political and economic theory.Secondly, theoretical basis of the paper. To illustrate the value of intellectualproperty rights, this paper takes Marx’s theory of labor value as a research framework.First, intellectual property is also a commodity, which has value and meet the twofactors goods theory; Second, intellectual property is the crystallization of theintellectual labor, intellectual work also creates value. Intelligence labor value theoryis the new development of the labor theory of value; at last, intellectual property isimportant intangible capital, whose value increases during the period of continuework. There are three stages of industrial capital in circulation: purchasing, production and sales. Intellectual property in the circulation process also should passthe three stages to complete value creation, value the extraction and the valuerealization.Thirdly, on the basis of theory foundation, operation system of intellectual propertyrights of enterprises is constructed, which including three parts: intellectual propertytarget system, intellectual property operation system, and the encouragement system.The operation system of intellectual property mainly includes three parts: intellectualproperty creation, intellectual property protection, and intellectual property assetmanagement.Finally, taking the Zhuhai, sida electronic technology Co., LTD as an example todemonstrate the practical application of operation system of intellectual property. Theoperation system of Sida includes four aspects: intellectual property creation system,protection system, management system and intellectual property personnel trainingsystem. This paper also summarizes the strategies of intellectual property operation inpractice in order to ascend the business value, hoping to provide useful references forenterprises.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期