

The Study on the Poems and Essays of He Mengchun

【作者】 王娜

【导师】 史小军;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文选取茶陵派重要诗人何孟春为研究对象,通过对其家世生平、诗文创作、诗歌理论的研究,力图展现其文学上的成就,并对其文学贡献作出较为客观的定位。希望能为茶陵派的深入研究起到抛砖引玉的作用。通过对何孟春诗集、文集、诗话的研究可知,他在创作、诗文理论方面对李东阳甚为服膺。这使得其在进行文学创作时创新度不够,个人特色不明显,不能自成一家,所以对他才会有“才力不及富赡,故往往失之平衍”的评价。不可否认,“平衍”是何孟春的诗文不可抹掉的缺点,也是研究者对其关注度不够的重要原因之一。造成何孟春诗歌“平衍”的原因与其偏爱平淡诗风有关,但“平衍”并不是他诗文的主要特征,我们更应该把眼光投向其诗文的其他特色。比如,何孟春有多次出巡边塞的经历,所以他的诗歌中多了对边塞生活和塞外风光的描述,对国家安危、百姓苦难的关心显得真挚而感人;何孟春生平以气节自许,为官刚正不阿,所以他的文集“于时事得失,敷奏剀切,乃卓然可传”;“学殖既深,自远于俗调”。

【Abstract】 Focusing on He Mengchun, an important poet of Chaling School, this studyreveals the poet’s accomplishments in literature and makes objective assessment onhis contribution to literature, via analysis of his life events, poems and poetic theories,in hopes that the findings may be of some help to further study of this poet.Research on Mengchun, his poems and essays shows that he respects LiDongyang’s theories to such an extent that he lacks creativity in his own poems, thusdrawing the remarks that “not intellectually remarkable and just plain”. Without anydoubt,“plain” is not only a flaw in his poems but also one of the main reasons why hehas received so little attention. One causes of his being “plain” is his preference tosimple poem styles. However,“plain” is not among the characteristics of his use ofpoem language, which we should put more emphasis on. For example, having been tothe border areas many times, he includes a lot of description of the life and scenerythere into his poems, reflecting his concerns over the country’s stability and thepeople’s well-being. He takes pride in a clear conscience and is an honest publicofficial.

【关键词】 何孟春“平衍”老境美边塞诗
【Key words】 He Mengchunplainlonelyborder areas poems
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期