

Examination of Factors Influence Public Acceptance of Waste Lncinerator Sites Based on Structural Equation Modeling

【作者】 王亭

【导师】 潘涌璋;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 环境科学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 城市生活垃圾处理问题已成为我国急需解决的一个重大的环保课题。由于经济的发展,城市土地资源日益稀缺以及居民环保意识的提高,垃圾焚烧厂的选址问题已经成为全社会的焦点。本文从公众(选址周边公众)接受度的视角对垃圾焚烧厂的选址问题进行了实证研究。本文在总结了国内外关于公众接受度的基本理论及研究现状,对选址的影响因素进行了分析和归纳。并介绍了结构方程模型的相关理论知识和建模的步骤,筛选现有研究中显著的影响因素,并结合通过实地调研得到的影响因素,根据已有的因果关系假设,初步设定模型。选取在广州市番禺进行的实证调研结果进行研究。通过模型参数的估计、模型的评价及修正,最终确定了变量中对公众接受度有显著影响的指标,得出较为完善的结构方程模型。最后根据影响公众接受度的显著因素,提出提高垃圾焚烧厂选址公众接受度和信任度的对策建议。主要研究结论如下:(1)按照研究文献归纳的分析、实地调研和专家咨询的程序设计出调查问卷。利用软件SPSS17.0对问卷的样本数据进行探索性分析,得出垃圾焚烧厂选址公众接受度的影响因素有感知有用性、感知风险性、补偿合理性、信任度等指标变量;其中信任度的影响因素包括选址的原则性、选址的配套管理。并根据样本数据的探索性因素分析的结果建立了研究模型。(2)根据探索性影响因素的分析的结果,通过理论模型的设定、模型的识别和估计、相关系数的设定、模型的检验与修正等步骤构建选址公众接受度和信任度的假设LISREL模型,利用lisrel8.70和样本数据对假设模型的影响因素进行验证性分析。结果表明:感知风险性对接受度有显著负向影响,信任度、补偿合理性对对接受度有显著正向影响,其相关系数分别为-0.68、0.85、0.55。选址的原则性、选址的配套服务对信任度有显著的正向影响,其相关系数分别为0.51、0.82。感知有用性对公众对选址的接受度的相关系数为0.22,但T-value值未达到0.05的显著水平的临界值1.96,故不能确定感知有用性对公众接受度有显著的正向影响。(3)根据探索和验证的因素分析的结果,提出相关的对策建议等。在垃圾焚烧厂选址过程中,政府及相关部门首先要注重选址原则性,同时要完善选址决策的配套管理以提高公众的信任度,并尽可能地规避风险和给予受影响者合理的补偿。

【Abstract】 The municipal waste problem has become an urgent environmental protectionissue to be resolved. Because of the economic development, and scarce land resourcesin city and the inprovement of public’s environmental protection consciousness, sitingselection of waste incineration plant has become the focus in the whole society. Theempirical research on waste incinerator site selection was done from the view ofpublic acceptance.This paper summarized the basic theory and the research status of publicacceptance firstly, and the affecting factors of location selection were summarized andanalyzed. Then it introduced Structure Equation Modeling (SEM), including relevanttheoretical knowledge and modeling steps, screening significant influence factors inthe existing research, and combining with the spot investigation to get influencefactors, the causal relationship on the basis of the existing hypothesis, to set an initialmodel in our research. Panyu district in Guangzhou city was choosed as the empiricalresearch place. Through estimating the model parameters, evaluating and correctingthe model, and finally determined the significant index of the external measuredvariables to public acceptance, and concluding the more perfect structure equationmodeling. According to influence the public acceptance of the significant factor, it putforward the advice about improving public acceptance of waste lncineration plantlocation and trust.The paper was sum up by the outcomes as followed.(1) On the foundation of the previous literatures, On-the-spot investigation andexpert consultation program, we design out the questionnaire. Using the softwareSPSS17.0to exploratory analysis the questionnaire samples data, and concludes thatthe acceptance influence factors of waste lncineration plant location are perceivedusefulness, risk perception, compensation rationality, trust etc. The factors for trust arethe principle of site selection and matching management.(2) According to the result of analysis of influence factors, Lisrel model had beenselected to build a suppose model about the public acceptability and trust level. Themodel had been finally comformed after set up, identification and evaluation, the built of related coefficient, test and modified. Software Lisrel8.70was taken to analysisthe data from questionnaire investigation. The results showed that risk perception hadsignificant negative influence on acceptability while the compensation rationality andtrust level had significant positive effects. The related coefficients were-0.68,0.55and0.85, respectively. The T-value didn’t reach the significant level although therelated coefficient of perceived usefulness was0.22. Thus, we couldn’t make aconclusion that perceived usefulness had significant positive effect on acceptancedegree.(3) The conclusion of all the research was summaried. The author put forward theadivise and countermeasures for improving the public acceptance and trust level ofwaste incineration siting selection. The government and some related departmentsshould make the matching management perfect in siting selection, in order toimporving public trust, and strengthen the principle of site selection to avoid the risk,and give some compensation for the near residents.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期