

The Design and Achievement of Prefectural Mountain Flood Disaster Warning System Which is Based on WebGIS

【作者】 金鑫

【导师】 李大军;

【作者基本信息】 东华理工大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是山洪灾害极其频繁严重的国家,每年汛期由降雨引发的山洪、泥石流、滑坡都造成了大量人员伤亡和财产损失,不仅严重威胁着广大人民群众的生命安全,而且严重制约着广大山丘区经济社会的发展。山洪灾害点多面广,具有明显的多发性、无序的突发性以及强烈的破坏性,防御难度很大。而我国的暴雨区、山洪灾害易发区和人口居住区又多为相互重叠,更加使得山洪灾害对人民生活所造成的损失日益增长,而建设山洪灾害监测预警系统正是属于我国山洪灾害防御非工程措施的重中之重。本文对我国山洪灾害概况进行了综述,结合国内外对于山洪灾害防治方面以及预警系统建设方面的研究现状总结WebGIS技术的实现方法,并且对几种WebGIS开发模式进行了比较。以超图公司自主研发的山洪灾害预警系统项目为背景设计了基于SuperMap服务式GIS平台——SuperMap IS.NET所开发的,利用先进的计算机手段,RIA(富互联网应用)技术与遥感等技术,依靠专业的山洪预警业务功能,按照B/S和C/S相结合的体系架构,建设完成了山洪数据库、县级监测预警平台应用软件、电话传真预警发布、系统集成等功能。该系统针对当前山洪灾害防治的需求实现了实时监控、内部预警、预警发布、应急响应等功能。同时,系统提供相应的监测和预警设备接口,实现与雨水情遥测系统、预警系统的连接。系统的建立提高了山洪灾害数据的监测查询、传输共享、预警分析处理的准确性和时效性,提高山洪灾害防御指挥决策的科学性。为各级政府、防汛指挥机构和减灾组织提供及时准确的水情信息,为其早决策、早部署提供帮助,使防灾减灾决策更加及时、科学。

【Abstract】 Mountain flood as a geological disaster occurs very frequently and badly in our country.Mountain flood, debris flow and landslip are caused by the rainfall in each year. It not onlythreatens the safeties of our lives, but also restricts the economic developments of the massifareas. It’s difficult for us to prevent those torrential floods because of its multiple, randomnessand destructiveness. In China, the rainstorm-areas, flood-areas and living-areas are alwaysoverlapped, it makes the loss of national lives much more severe.To build a Mountain floodmonitoring and warning system is the most important part of the Non-engineering measuresof Mountain flood disaster defense.In this dissertation, the summaries of Mountain flood disasters have been introduced.The implementation methods of the WebGis technique has been summarized through theresearches of the Mountain floods disaster prevention-control and the warning systemconstruction presented both by domestic and overseas. A system which is provided withMountain floods database, the application software of the prefectural monitoring and warningplatform, phone-fax warning issue, system integration and some other functions have beenbuilt completely based on the SuperMap IS.NET platform which belongs to SuperMapSoftware Co. Ltd. It includes advanced computer methods, the RIA (Rich InternetApplication) and Remote Sensing technologies, the professional functions of the flash floodwarning, the combination architecture of B/S and C/S systems.The system aims at the need of the Mountain flood disaster prevention and control, itachieves the real time monitoring, Internal warning, warning issued, emergency response andother functions. Additionally, the system provides the ports to the corresponding monitoringand warning equipments, it makes the system could connect with the remote-measuring andwarning system of rainfalls, reservoirs and dams. The system Improves the veracity and thetimeliness of the monitoring inquires, the transmission sharing and the warning analysis of theMountain floods disaster data. It also improves the decision rationalitiy of Mountain floodsdisaster defense. It provides more accurate flood informations to governments, flood controlheadquarters and disaster reduction organization. The system helps them to make the correctearlier decisions and the earlier arrangements before the terrible flood calamities occur. Mountain flood
