

Research on Character and Protection for Landscape-rockfall of Danxia Landform in Long-HuShan

【作者】 姜伏伟

【导师】 郭福生;

【作者基本信息】 东华理工大学 , 地质工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 我国山地风景区内普遍存在很多外形独特的危岩体。因其具有很强的形象性、感染性、独特性、神奇性等旅游观赏及美学欣赏价值而称为景观危岩。这些特殊的危岩体属于地质遗迹,具有稀有性、珍贵性、脆弱性及不可再生性。在风景区旅游开发及地质遗迹保护过程中,遇到了很多景观危岩,这凸显了景观危岩研究的紧迫性和重要性。而且,深入地研究景观危岩特性,使那些奇秀壮观、气峻形奇的危岩更好地发挥观赏价值而不影响游客安全,这符合我国风景名胜区开发建设的可持续性发展战略,并将产生较大社会效应。丹霞地貌是我国重要的风景地貌,其理论研究及开发取得了丰硕的成果。丹霞地貌区往往地形复杂,坡面陡峭,岩性(砂岩、砾岩、泥岩等)力学强度较差,垂直节理较发育,发育较多危岩。危岩与地质景观的共存性在丹霞地貌中比较突出。丹霞地貌旅游发展过程中,存在对景观危岩的认识及保护问题,但目前尚未引起足够的重视。龙虎山地处江西省东北部鹰潭市境内,据鹰潭市区10公里,是以丹霞地貌景观为特色的世界地质公园。龙虎山丹霞地貌主要以砂岩、砾岩、泥岩等岩层组成,岩壁陡峭,节理错综,发育众多外形奇特,有突出旅游观光及美学欣赏价值的不稳定岩体,即景观危岩。龙虎山景观危岩经历了漫长的地质演变过程,是多因素耦合作用的结果,其主要影响因素有地形地貌、地层岩性、构造应力及水文地质条件以及雕蚀作用(包括流水侵蚀溶蚀、温度差异风化、微观化学风化等),其中雕蚀作用是景观危岩形成的核心要素。从可持续性开发的角度,根据稳定程度将丹霞地貌景观分为景观危岩和稳定景观,并依据规模大小、外观形态、失稳模式、旅游价值和灾害性,将景观危岩进行了简要分类。在龙虎山丹霞地貌景观特征和旅游开发现状调查的基础上,对该区景观危岩的类型进行了划分。运用层次分析法建立景观危岩评价体系,包含危岩性和景观性两方面九个评价因子,并对评价因子赋值及划分等级。评价龙虎山丹霞地貌30处代表性景观,所得结果与实际调查吻合。在实际调查基础上,结合定性和定量方法对各危岩体的稳定性进行评价,并根据野外实地地形判断景观危岩失稳的危害范围。进一步分析景观危岩灾害发生可能性及灾害易发程度,并采用多因素相互比较、专家打分的综合指数评判法对龙虎山丹霞地貌景观危岩灾害危险性分区。龙虎山丹霞地貌景观危岩成为旅游开发的重要资源。但其稳定性较差,对旅游发展起了很大的阻碍作用,须加强保护。景观危岩保护须符合不破坏性、相近性、可逆性、无干扰性及如旧性五大原则。在分析现有危岩防治技术及景观危岩特殊性的基础上,本文提出吊索法保护景观危岩,即由绳索、钢索等能提供一定向上拉力,使得危岩体达到要求的稳定系数的一种方法。吊索法具有适用范围广,理论计算简单,能较好提高稳定系数,施工方便,后续维修方便和易监测等诸多优点,适用于各类岩质景观的保护。

【Abstract】 Scenic spots in mountain area of China have universally pretty rockfall calledlandscape-rockfall, for its value of the visual, infectious, unique, magic value of tourismand aesthetic appreciation. These are the geological heritage obviously, as there are scarce,precious, fragility and non-renewable. However, some problems of landscape-rockfall existin tourism developing and protecting the geological heritage of scenic spot of mountainregion, so it is prominent that studying landscape-rockfall is increasingly urgent andimportant. Furthermore, depth studying unstable rock landscape features will be good forthe wonderful and elegant grand rockfall to play tour value and lessen danger, thismatching the strategy of sustainable development of every scenic spot and producing theenormous social effect in the future.Danxia landform is one of major scenic landscape, and its theoretical research andexploitation had yielded fruitful achievement. There are often complex terrain, steep slope,(sandstone, conglomerate, mudstone, etc.) less mechanical strength of lithology (sandstone,conglomerate, mudstone, etc.), many vertical joints in the areas of Danxia landform, whichis prone to develop rockfall. It is especially obvious in Danxia landform that geologicallandscape coexist with dangerous rocks. In the process of Developing Danxia landformtourism, there are some issues in cognizing and protecting landscape-rockfall, but nowpeople pay insufficient attention to them.Mt.Longhushan where Danxia landform landscape are a specially characteristic is alarge geo-park,10km far from Yingtan city, which located in northeast of Jiangxi Provincein China. The layer forming Danxia landscape in Mt.Longhushan mainly make up fromsandstone, conglomerate, mudstone. Because of steep cliffs, intricate joints, the areadeveloped a number of peculiar shape rock that have the value of prominent tourism andaesthetic appreciation. Landscape-rockfall undergo a long term revolution of geologicalprocess,and was caused by many internal and external geological actions. The mainfactors are topography, lithology, geological structure,hydrogeological conditions and thecarved-erosion action (including erosion and dissolution, the weathering in differenttemperature, micro-chemical weathering). Carved-erosion played the core role in theprocess of forming landscape-rockfall.From the perspective of sustainable development, and according to the stability,Danxia landform landscapes are divided into landscape-rockfall and stable landscape.Based on size, morphology, instability mode, tourism value and risk, landscape-rockfall can be briefly classified many kinds. Surveying the features and tourism development ofMt.Longhushan Danxia landscape, the paper divides its types, and discusses thesustainability development of landscape-rockfall. Lastly, it analysis the development ofpotential threats and put forward some measures to protect landscape-rockfall.Utilizing theory of the analytic hierarchy process, this paper establishes the evaluatingsystem of landscape-rockfall, containing two aspects of rockfall and landscape, and its nineappraisal factors. Besides, this evaluating system assigns value to factors and divides therank of landscape-rockfall. Utilizing the evaluating system of fragile geology landscape toevaluate the30representative landscape of Danxia-landform in Mt.Longhushan, the resultfits investigation.On the basic of practical investigation, we evaluated the stability of rockfall with thequalitative and quantitative method, and according to field topography, judged the riskscope of the instability of Landscape-rockfall. Furthermore, we analyzed the happeningpossibility and easy-happening degree of Landscape-rockfall hazards, and then thecomprehensive exponential evaluation methods of multivariate intercomparison and expertestimation were adopted to devise the risk of Landscape-rockfall of Danxia Landform inLonghushan.Landscape-rockfall of Danxia Landform in Longhushan has become importmentresources for tourism, but as their poor stability can restrict the tourism development, weshould strengthen the protection of them.Landscape-rockfall disaster prevention ought tofollows the five principles of nondestructibility, approximability, reversibility, nointerference and compatibility. According to the present technology of preventing rockfalland the particularity of landscape-rockfall, the text proposed a hang-pull method that madeby the rope, cable, etc. to provide some upward pull to make the unstable rock meet therequired coefficient of stability. The hang-pull method has many advantages of wideapplication, simple theoretical calculation, better improving stability coefficient,convenient construction, easy maintenance and easy follow-up monitoring, etc,and it issuitable for protecting rock landscape.
