

The Engineering Properities of Red Sandstone and Bedding Slope Stability on the Highway of Reixun

【作者】 余立群

【导师】 易萍华;

【作者基本信息】 东华理工大学 , 岩土工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 边坡稳定性是工程建设中经常遇到的岩土工程问题,从理论到工程实践,前人己经进行了很多研究,但在实际中仍存在诸如不确定性等难以解决的问题。瑞寻高速公路沿线分布的大量的红砂岩,易风化崩解、长期强度低,且岩层产状多为单斜缓倾,易变形,稳定性很差,极容易出现顺层滑坡等工程问题。因此分析红砂岩顺层边坡的稳定性影响因素和变形破坏规律对于顺层岩质边坡工程的安全具有重要意义。本文以瑞寻高速公路项目为依托,从红砂岩的工程性质研究入手,重点分析了顺层边坡的变形破坏机理,对顺层边坡稳定性进行了评价,并提出了防治措施。本文主要内容如下:(1)阐述了瑞寻高速公路沿线的工程地质条件,通过试验分析了赣南红砂岩物理力学性质及膨胀特性。(2)针对瑞寻高速公路沿线已发生的顺层滑坡和潜在的顺层滑坡,对其边坡类型和破坏机理进行了分析。(3)基于强度理论的刚体极限平衡分析对红纱岩顺层边坡在不同工况下进行了稳定性分析,并运用FLAC3D对其变形情况、位移情况、应力分布特征进行了模拟研究,证明了水是影响顺层边坡稳定性的重要因素。(4)根据顺层边坡的地质特征、失稳形成机制以及稳定性分析结果,以安全、合理、经济为原则,提出了顺层边坡的治理建议。

【Abstract】 Slope stability is a geotechnical problem often encountered in construction projects.Predecessors had done a lot of research on it from theory to engineering practice. However,in practice there still exist some difficult issues to solve, such as non-determinacy, etc.With long-term low intensity, the large amount of red sandstone distributing alone thehighway of RuiXun, is easy to weather and disintegrate. The attitude of rock oftenmanifests a gentle monocline dipping, which makes the rock easy to deform, and with thepoor stability, the rock is very prone to the engineering problems of bedding landslide.Therefore, it is significant to the safety of bedding rock slope engineering to analyze thestability influencing factors and the deformation and failure rules of the red sandstonebedding slope. Basing on the highway project of RuiXun, this paper starts with theresearch on the engineering properties of the red sandstone, analyzes the deformation andfailure mechanism of the bedding slope, evaluates the stability of the bedding slope, andthen proposes preventives measures. The main contents of this paper are as follows:(1) The engineering geological conditions along the highway of RuiXun is described,including the physical and mechanical properties and the swelling characteristics of the redsandstone of southern Jiangxi.(2) Targeting at the bedding landslide that has occurred and the potential along thehighway of RuiXun, I analyzes its slope types and failure mechanisms.(3) Based on the strength theory of limit equilibrium, I analyzes the stability of thebedding slope of red sandstone under different working conditions. Then by usingFLAC3D, I conduct a simulation study on its deformation, displacement and stressdistribution, and prove water being an important factor that affects the bedding slope.(4) According to the geological features of the bedding slope, instability formationmechanism and the result of the stability analysis, following the principles of safety,reasonableness and economy, some suggestions on the treatment of the bedding slope are proposed.

  • 【分类号】U412.22
  • 【下载频次】114