

Design and Implementation of Information Management System to Bast

【作者】 李斌

【导师】 刘海波; 张晓芸;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 软件工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 北京市科学技术协会是北京市委领导下的人民团体,是联系广大科技工作者的桥梁和纽带,对于科学技术交流和普及在首都地区的工作由该协会管理。科协的管理工作在首都进行的并不顺利,这是由于传统式的科协、专家和学会的交流模式已经无法满足首都所属学会数目多分布散的局势。科协规模的日益发展,造成社会越来越需要高效、互动、快速的专家信息,而在现代信息的管理上,传统的管理模式已经达不到时间和精确的标准。本文采用MVC方式的结构,对建模语言描述软件统一利用,主导面向对象的设计方法,并基于ASP技术实现了“北京市科学技术协会学会管理信息系统”。系统实现中,引用了经典的设计模式,以IIS作为应用WEB服务器,用MYSQL作为后台数据库器;由于系统描述的建模语言比较统一,开发效率在实现的后面的阶段明显增强了。该系统分为八大功能模块和五个子系统,分别为:学会信息、学会出版物、学会活动、专家信息、学术论文、综合分析、数据备份和系统管理,“普通用户子系统”、“学会用户子系统”、“高级用户子系统”、“系统维护员子系统”和“系统管理员子系统”。通过这些子系统,能够实现学会基本信息管理、工作人员信息管理、组织机构信息管理、专家信息管理、理事/监事信息、个人设置、学会出版社、学术活动、数据管理、监事管理、备份文件管理和用户管理等12项系统功能。

【Abstract】 Beijing Association for Science and Technology (BAST) is under theadministration of Beijing CPC. As the bridge and link between Beijing Municipalityand the science staff in Beijing, BAST is responsible for science communication andscience academic exchange in the capital area. A large number of societies areaffiliated to BAST and they are scattered in different districts. At present, the expertsin the societies still exchange relative information with BAST through a verytraditional and even outmoded information system which heavily hinders the work ofBAST. It is impossible for the old administrative way to meet the requirement of theIT society. The increasing number of the societies attached to BAST highlights therequirement of the efficient and interactive information system ofinformation-collective and institutes administration.Guided by the object-oriented design method, this MVC mode abstract projectedand, based upon ASP Technology, implemented the System of informationmanagement of the Beijing Association of Science and Technology Institute by usingUnified Modeling Language to describe the system mode. Classic design mode isapplied in this implementation using IIS as application WEB server, MySQL asdatabase of backstage supporter. Efficiency of development has been greatly enhancedin the later phase of implementation by applying Unified Modeling Language todescribe the system. This system has five subsystems, namely General UserSubsystem, Institute User Subsystem, Advanced User Subsystem, VindicatorSubsystem and Administrator Subsystem, through all which we can realize12systemfunctions including basic information management, staff management. organizationmanagement, experts information management, councilman and supervisormanagement, Institute activities, academic essay, institute publication, personalsettings, data management, backup files management and users management.

【关键词】 系统设计UMLOOMVC modeWEB
【Key words】 System DesignOOUMLMVC modeWEB
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】44