

Study on the Dynamic Characteristics of Wind Power Tower with Fluid-structure Interaction

【作者】 贺文山

【导师】 宋波;

【作者基本信息】 北京科技大学 , 土木工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的快速发展以及国家对环境保护的越来越重视,风力发电等可再生能源的利用设施正在不断的规划和建设中。相对发达国家,国内风力发电起步较晚,对复杂环境下风力发电结构安全性的研究也相对较少,尤其是在风电塔与空气之间流固耦合方面的研究更加薄弱。同时,国内目前还没有特定的针对风电塔结构的计算方法,而国内对高层抗风的规定已不再适合风力发电结构在暴风荷载作用下的设计要求,故分析风电塔结构在暴风作用下的动力特性具有重要的意义。本文主要的工作包括以下几个方面:(1)根据规范对风电塔结构在50年一遇的设计风荷载作用下的受力情况进行了计算,分析了塔筒不同高度的风速、风压、弯矩、剪力及其各部位的应力,并将设计风荷载作用下塔筒各部位的应力与其许用应力进行比较,分析了风电塔结构的安全性能。(2)利用有限元方法进行风电塔结构的风洞模拟计算,考虑风电塔结构与空气之间的流固耦合特性,研究了结构在匀速风作用下的受力特点,并与规范方法进行比较分析,结果表明,该方法计算结果与规范方法的计算结果比较吻合。(3)根据风电塔所在场地的基本风压,推导出10年和20年一遇的设计基准风速,在Davenport风速谱的理论基础上利用Matlab软件分析了10年、20年及50年一遇的脉动风风速时程数据,考虑结构与空气之间的流固耦合特性,分析了结构在三种脉动风作用下的动力特性,比较了不同风速对风电塔结构动力特性的影响及相同风速的脉动风和匀速风对结构影响的差别。(4)根据规范方法的计算结果得到了结构不同部位风荷载分布情况,分析了结构的屈曲特性,包括结构的特征值屈曲、几何非线性屈曲及同时考虑几何大变形和材料非线性的屈曲特性,并比较了不同角度情况下风电塔结构的屈曲特性,进而对风电塔结构风荷载作用下的抗倒塌性能进行了分析。(5)通过现场监测试验对风电塔工程实际结构的应变进行监测,并与相同风速作用下的模拟结果进行比较,证实了本文研究方法的可靠性。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the economy and the growing importance ofthe environment, the renewable energy facilities such as wind power generationfacilities are constantly being planned and constructed. Compared with developedcountries, the wind power in China starts late, and there is little research about thewind power’s support structure which is in the complicated surroundingconditions, especially the study on the fluid-structure interaction of the windpower tower structure and the air. What’s more, as the code for the design ofhigh-rise civil buildings is not suitable for wind power tower structure, there areno specific calculation methods for it. So it is significantly important to analyzethe dynamic characteristics of wind power tower structure under the storm wind.In this paper, the main work includes the following aspects:(1) According to various building codes, this paper analyses the stress ofwind power tower structure under once-in-50-years wind loads, calculates thewind speed, wind pressure, bending moment, shearing force and the stress of allparts of the tower, then compares the stress to the allowable stress of the tower inorder to research the safety performance of the tower.(2) Considering liquid-solid coupling characteristics of wind power towerstructure, The Wind Tunnel Modeling of the Wind power tower structure issimulated by using the finite element method, the structure’s Mechanicalcharacteristics under the uniform wind are attained, and compares with the resultswhich based on present codes, it could be obtained that these two kinds of resultsare consistent.(3) In accordance with the basic wind pressure of the place where the windpower tower locates, the once-in-10-years and once-in-20-years design referencewind speed are inferred. On the basis of Davenport Wind Velocity Spectrum, thewind speed time series which happens once every10years,20years and50yearsare got by using MATLAB. The structural dynamic characteristics under the threeFluctuating Winds and the different influences of the three Fluctuating Winds onthe tower are discussed. The different results about the Fluctuating Wind and theUniform wind are also compared.(4) According to the results based on present codes, the wind loads whichdistribution on the tower are worked out. There is some research about the buckling characteristics of the wind tower, including the characteristic valuebuckling analysis, large deformation buckling analysis and nonlinear materialbuckling analysis. By using the results above, the ability of anti-collapse of thetower could be studied.(5) By monitoring the strain of the wind energy tower in the wind loads, andcompared it with the results obtained by using the simulated method, theconclusion that the computing methods used in this paper is reliable can be got.
