

The Path of Survival and Development of Easel Painting in the Image Era

【作者】 鲁笛

【导师】 周向林;

【作者基本信息】 湖北美术学院 , 美术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 时至今日,在我们生活的空间中,到处都充满着各种各样的视觉图像——电影、电视、海报广告、商品包装、杂志插图、动漫产品、书籍封面等等。而在当下,数字产品的盛行更是拓宽了这种视觉图像的表现空间和表现力。每个人都在使用数码相机从现实中获取图像,我们制造图像,我们读取图像,我们用图像思维。如今它完全改变了我们的生活方式,包括我们的观看方式,并在不知不觉地影响着我们的思维方式。与瞬息即成的视觉图像相比,传统架上绘画的再现性在今日却突显其平淡,只因技巧而缺乏思想深度和时代感的艺术作品已失去了它往日的光辉。换句话说,具有高度思想性和更具时代感的艺术作品才能更好地引起观众共鸣,激发观众的思考,从而带给观众心灵上的启迪。本文将基于架上绘画在遭遇“图像入侵”后的反应和生存现状来进行研究,客观辩证地认识图像时代的审美特征以及其对艺术发展的利弊影响,鞭辟入里地分析架上绘画在该时代下生存发展的必要性和方向性,深入探讨图像在架上绘画创作中的多种可利用性,以及由此拓展出的架上绘画在思想观念上的突破和发展空间,借鉴图像,结合艺术家自身绘画语言形式和对当下社会的思考来创作出具有心灵启迪意义和更具时代感的艺术作品。

【Abstract】 Today, our living space is filled with a variety of visual images - films, television, posters, advertisements, packaging, magazine illustrations, animation products, book covers and so on.And at the moment, the prevalence of digital products is expanding the development space foe such visual images.Everyone, with a digital camera, can get the image from reality.We create the image;we read the image; we use the image to think. It has completely changed our way of living, including our way of viewing, and also unconsciously affected our way of thinking. Compared with the instant visual image, the traditional easel painting has lost its glory. Olny the works of art with ideological profundity and the sense of the times may attract the attention of the audience and enlighten them.The essay is based on the response and status of the easel painting in the event of“Image Invasion”,the essay clarifies the aesthetic characteristics of the image times and its impacts on the development of arts.It also analyses the necessity and direction of the development of the easel painting in such an age . The essay also explores various possibilities of combining the image with the easel paintng, and the conceptual breakthrough of the easel painting to the create the works of art with spiritual inspiration and sence of the times.

【关键词】 图像图像时代架上绘画观念
【Key words】 ImageImage eraEasel paintingConcept
  • 【分类号】J205
  • 【下载频次】106