

Tracking System for Endoscope with Digital Human Technology

【作者】 柳立坤

【导师】 陈晓冬;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 光学工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在现代医学中,内窥镜已经被广泛用于疾病诊断,内窥镜可以为医生提供人体内脏组织图像用于疾病的诊断。由于检查时内窥镜探头位于人体体内,其在人体内的位置和角度均不可见,医生只能依据其采集到的图像,凭借经验判断与图像对应的人体组织,这不仅造成了图像识别的不便,而且容易产生误判,因此,需要一种有效的内窥镜体内实时定位技术。数字人虚拟定位系统是将医学人体数据库技术与内窥镜定位技术相结合的医疗辅助系统。该系统采用磁场定位原理,分别利用磁场传感器和加速度传感器采集磁场和重力场信息,经过信号处理,得到内窥镜探头在人体内部的位置和角度,并利用PC机将内窥镜探头的虚拟图像在数字人内部再现,从而实时地显示内窥镜在人体内的位置和探测角度。本文详细阐述了系统的定位原理和方案设计,介绍了系统的软硬件设计,对在实验室条件下的定位实验结果进行了详细的分析。本文主要工作总结如下:1.设计了数字人虚拟定位系统的整体方案和定位原理,系统采用磁场定位方式。在学习国内外现有的磁场定位系统的基础上,设计了角度定位和位置定位相互分离的定位方式和定位算法,大大降低了磁场定位算法的复杂性,提高了定位系统的实时性。相对于国内外其他磁场定位方式,该定位系统具有结构设计和定位原理上的独创性,相关技术已申请国家发明专利;2.设计并制作了系统定位实验所需的坐标平台,为实验室条件下进行定位实验,提供了机械结构方面的测量和定位装置。制作了系统硬件电路,包括传感器电路板、微处理器电路板、串口、I2 C接口等,利用VC语言编写了具有人机交互界面的系统应用程序,实现了系统定位算法;3.深入研究了励磁线圈的磁场分布规律,在励磁线圈磁场的理论分析、软件仿真、实物制作等方面做了大量的工作,制作出满足系统定位要求的励磁线圈;4.深入学习OpenGL计算机开源图形函数库,在此基础上,在应用程序中创建了内窥镜虚拟图像,利用三维图像直观显示内窥镜角度、位置信息。同时初步完成了人体虚拟图像的创建;5.在实验室条件下,成功地利用定位系统的软硬件资源进行了内窥镜角度和位置定位实验,系统定位精度和频率均达到设计要求。

【Abstract】 In modern medicine, the endoscope has been used for more disease diagnosis. The endoscopy can provide effective medical images such as human tissue for disease diagnosis. Since the endoscopic probe is in the human body when in an endoscopy, its position in the human body and angle are not visible, based on the collected images, doctors can only judge by their experience which human tissue the image is corresponding to. This not only causes inconvenience to image recognition, and is prone to false positives, therefore, an effective and real-time endoscopic tracking technology is required.The tracking system for endoscope with digital human technology is a medical support system which combines the digital human technology with endoscopic traking technology. The system is a real-time magnetic tracking system. Using the magnetic field information detected by a three-axis magnetic sensor and gravity field information detected by a three-axis acceleration sensor, the position and rientation of the the endoscopic probe is determined, so the virtual endoscopic probe image in the digital human can be created to display the position and rientation of the the endoscopic probe.This dissertation describes the principle and program design of the tracking system; it also describes the hardware and softwaredesign of the system. Detailed analysis of the experimental results under laboratory conditions is made in this paper.The main contributions of this dissertation are summarized as follows:1. Put foword the design proposal and theory of the tracking system. The system is a magnetic tracking system. After studied domestic and overseas research on magnetic tracking system, the dissertation put foword the magnetic tracking theory, of which the orientation determination and position determination are separated from each other, and it simplifies the tracking algorithm, gets high real-time performance. The design proposal and theory of the tracking system is different from other magnetic tracking systems, we applied one national patent for the system;2. Designed and made the mechanical coordinate platform of the tracking system, the platform is used for measurement and fixed. Designed and made the hardware of the system, including the PCB boards of the sensors and the microprocessor, UART, IIC, etc. Developed the application with human-computer interaction interface by MFC in VC;3. Closely studied the theory of the inductance coil, did a lot of work on the theoretical analysis, software simulation, manufacture, etc. Produced inductance coils Meeting requirements of the system;4. After closely studied OpenGL, the Computer Open Graphics Library, created the virtue image of the endoscopic probe in the computer application, which show the orientation and position of the endoscopic probe;5. Successfully carried out experiments of the tracking system to determine the orientation and position of the endoscopic probe under laboratory conditions. The precision of the system and the tracking frequency meet the actual demand.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】R318.51;TP391.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】127
  • 攻读期成果