

Construction of Surface Plasmon Resonance System for Rapid Detection of Dioxin

【作者】 张林

【导师】 刘宪华;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 环境工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 二噁英是一类毒性很大的持久性有机污染物。近年来,随着我国社会经济的蓬勃发展,城市化进程不断加快,我国固体废物和医疗废物的产生量和处理量都在不断增加。焚烧设施运行不当会造成二噁英超量排放。现行的二噁英检测方法存在周期长、成本高、操作繁琐等种种弊端,难于快速检测。因此,开发一种使用方便、运行成本低廉的二噁英的快速检测技术对于检测和控制二噁英污染具有重要意义。论文首先介绍了表面等离子体共振(Surface Plasmon Resonance,SPR)生物传感器系统。这种生物传感器具有能实时监测反应动态过程、反应动力学常数、灵敏度高、抗背景干扰能力强、分析生物样品无需标记、所需试样少等优点,因而被广泛应用于环境检测领域。在实验室已搭建的角度调制型SPR生物传感器的基础上,本文进行了一系列的完善和改进工作,主要内容包括设计了一种角度调制型和强度调制型相结合的SPR生物传感系统,开发了错位平行四边形光路系统和多通道样品池,并在软件方面进行了完善优化。其次,本文通过测定葡萄糖样品液和抗原抗体的免疫反应实验来测试所搭建装置的灵敏度和重复性等特性。在运用角度检测方式检测较高浓度(0.11-0.55 mol/L)变化的葡萄糖样品液时,葡萄糖的浓度与共振角度基本满足线性关系,有着较好的线性相关程度(R2=0.986 );运用强度检测型方式检测较低浓度(3-7 mmol/L)变化的葡萄糖样品液时,葡萄糖的浓度与反射光强强度度改变值基本满足线性关系,并测定得到该系统对葡萄糖的检测下限达到0.18 g/L;在抗原—抗体的免疫反应实验中,对动态和静态两种状态下的性能表现进行了比较,表明动态下能更好的反映样品池内抗原抗体结合情况。在此基础上,通过实验优化了影响检测结果的各项条件,使用直接检测法和间接检测法对2,3,7,8-TCDD进行了检测,并将间接检测的结果同ELISA方法所得的结果进行了比较分析。结果表明SPR生物传感系统的检测范围为0.01-100 ng/mL,IC50为0.355 ng/mL,相应的标准偏差为0.00015,较之ELISA方法SPR方法在检测范围,灵敏度和稳定性上具有一定的优势。此外通过一系列的样品溶液进行验证发现,这两种方法所得的样品浓度线性关系良好。

【Abstract】 Dioxin is classified as one of the most toxic of a dangerous class of chemicals known as POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants). In recent years, with the rapid development of society and economy, the speed of urbanization process is becoming faster, the generation and treatment capacity of solid waste and medical waste is becoming bigger and bigger. Among the solid waste disposal methods, the technology of waste incineration shows a rapid development momentum. According to the recently research, it is easy to bring about dioxin in the process of waste incineration. Traditional detection methods of dioxin-like compounds at present have their own disadvantages such as high cost, long detection period and complicated operations, which limit the short-term test of dioxin in a various industries. Therefore, it is of great significance for monitoring and controlling the dioxin to develop a rapid detection technology for dioxin which has the features of easy to use and low running cost.Firstly, the Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) bio-sensor system is introduced in the thesis. The bio-sensor system can monitor interaction between molecular, the dynamic process of reaction and the kinetic constant real time, has the feature of high sensitive、strong anti-interference ability、label free and small amount of sample. It has been used widely in the area of environmental monitoring. In the thesis, the system which was put up by laboratory is refined and improved. The model which was angle modulation is changed to the model which combines the angle modulation with intensity modulation together, the dislocation parallelogram optical system and multi-channel sample cell is developed, in addition, the area of software is improved and optimized.Secondly, in the thesis the features such as sensitivity and reproducibility of the system were tested by glucose sample solution and antigen-antibody reaction. The high concentration of glucose sample solution (0.11-0.55 mol/L) was tested in the way of angle modulation. The results showed that the concentration of glucose sample and the resonance angle met the basic linear relationship, and the linear relationship was ideal; the low concentration of glucose sample solution (3-7 mmol/L) was tested in the way of intensity modulation, the concentration of glucose sample and the intensity of reflected light met the basic linear relationship, too. The detection limit for glucoses sample was 0.18 g/l. In the process of antigen-antibody reaction, the results of dynamic and static were compared with each other and showed that the dynamic result was better to reflect the conditions of antigen-antibody binding process.On the basic of the previous experiments, the sample solutions of 2,3,7,8-TCDD were tested. Firstly, the conditions of the experiments which may affect the test results were optimized; Secondly, the sample solutions of 2,3,7,8-TCDD were detected by direct detection method and indirect detection method separately. The results of ELISA were compared with the results of indirect detection method. The finally results showed that the detection range of SPR bio-sensor system was 0.01-100 ng/mL, the IC50 was 0.355 ng/mL and the corresponding standard deviation was 0.00015. It is better to use the SPR technology for dioxin detection than ELISA in the area of features such as detection range, sensitivity and stability. In addition, a serious of sample solutions are tested by the two ways, and the results of the two technologies show a good linear relationship.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期