

Energy Flow Analysis and Research in Chlor-alkali Chemical Enterprise

【作者】 张风云

【导师】 赵涛;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工业工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来我国氯碱化工企业发展迅速,但发展模式却依旧是高投入、高能耗、高排放,能源问题和环境问题已经成为制约氯碱化工企业发展的重要因素。如何降低氯碱化工企业的能源消耗及环境负荷已经成为亟待解决的问题。本文从能量流的角度出发,主要解决了关于能量流和环境负荷两方面的问题,并以某氯碱化工企业为例进行了案例分析,为降低企业能耗和环境负荷提供决策参考和建议。本文主要研究内容和结论如下:1)构建氯碱化工企业能量流分析框架并进行能耗测算。针对我国氯碱化工生产的特点,通过详细分析企业生产流程,提出了包括转换、分配、利用和回收四个环节在内的能量流分析框架,并以此为基础构建企业实际能量流图,进行企业能耗测算,进一步分析影响企业能耗的关键能量流。2)氯碱化工企业能量流对环境负荷的影响分析。首先构建了氯碱化工企业基准能量流图,并据此构建相应的实际能量流图,通过分析企业实际能量流图和基准能量流图之间的误差,找出影响环境负荷的关键因素,然后进一步分析当每股能量流变化对工序以及整个生产系统环境负荷的影响,这种分析方法可以避免环境负荷转嫁问题。3)以某氯碱化工企业为案例,论证了本文研究成果的科学性和可运用性。通过构建某氯碱化工企业的能量流分析框架、进行能耗测算,并分析能量流对环境负荷的影响,得出影响该企业综合能耗的主要因素是发电蒸汽、聚合母液、电解废水,此外,可以发现影响工序环境负荷的主要因素是电解外加能量流和溶解损失能量流,对企业环境负荷影响较为严重的主要因素是聚合回收能量流和聚合外加能量流,为企业改进工艺流程降低能耗与污染提供了参考。

【Abstract】 In recent years, chlor alkali enterprise develop quickly, but the development model is that high investment, high energy consumption brings high emissions, How to reduce the energy consumption and the environment load of chlor alkali enterprise is a difficult issue, we focus on reducing the energy consumption and the environment load from Angle of the flow of energy, providing decision support and advice.In this paper, two sorts of problem were solved1) Chlor alkali enterprise energy flow analysis framework and energy consumption measurement were constructed. Energy flow analysis framework were made up of conversion, distribution, use and recovery, and based on the framework we calculated enterprise energy consumption, and found out key energy flow which enterprise energy consumption2) How energy flow influence the environment load is analyzed. Chlor alkali enterprise benchmark energy flow chart were established, throng which we can find out the key factors of the environment load influence, the analysis can avoid the environment load transferring problems. We choose a enterprise as a case to study energy flow and environment load.First of all, we builded actual energy flow diagram based on the energy flow analysis framework, measuring enterprise energy consumption status, and then measuring the energy flow influence of comprehensive energy consumption, that affecting the enterprise comprehensive energy consumption were mainly composed of power generation steam, the mother liquor polymerization, electrolytic wastewater. chlor alkali enterprise benchmark of energy flow graph, we analysis enterprise environment load source from two aspects, we choose 14 energy flow to analysis avoiding the environment load transferring problems. We found out key energy flow influencing the working procedure and the enterprise level environment load. Case study proved the research was effective and practical. We proposed the corresponding solution and suggestion at last.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期