

Research on the FDI Strategy of Medium and Small State-owned Trading Enterprise

【作者】 刘颖青

【导师】 王媛;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工商管理, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 目前全球经济进入后金融危机时代,西方发达国家的经济持续衰退,从而影响到了我国的国际贸易环境。对于我国传统国有外贸企业来说,特别是中小型的企业,由于缺乏技术上的支持和产品独特性,使得它们在抢占已经很有限的市场份额时,面临来自民营资本和外资资本的强有力冲击,其与生俱来的一些缺陷使得国有中小型外贸企业目前面临极大的困难,战略转型势在必行,但转型也必须结合企业实际情况而定。本文以典型性国有中小型外贸公司C企业为例,通过对我国目前对外直接投资现状以及国有外贸企业现状进行分析,总结我国国有外贸企业的弊病,对C企业推进对外直接投资的必要性进行阐述。分析C企业对发展中国家和发达国家两个完全不同的市场的投资策略,选择巴布亚新几内亚、澳大利亚和美国这三个C企业投资的国家和市场进行深入剖析,分解其环境特点,并通过C企业所选择的不同的投资策略所带来的不同的效果,进行经验总结,对这三个国家市场直接投资活动的进一步发展提出建议,同时拓展到对发展中国家和发达国家的投资建议,希望可以为其他国有中小型外贸企业转型之路提供一些参考和借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the global economy entering the Post-Financial Crisis Era, developed countries are suffering from continuous economic recession, which exerts influence on China’s foreign trade. State-owned foreign trade enterprises, especially those small and medium ones, are confronted with great difficulties due to their inherent defects and the impact from private capital and foreign capital when they are seizing the limited market share. In this case, strategy shift is a must for those enterprises based on their actual situation.This thesis takes C Company, a typical state-owned small and medium enterprise as an example. After analyzing current FDI and state-owned foreign trade enterprises in China, this thesis summarizes the drawbacks of the enterprises and put forwards the necessity for C Company to promote FDI. This thesis analyzes the investment strategies of C Company in both developing and developed countries by taking Papua New Guinea, Australia and USA in which C Company has investment for further discussion and compares the effects incurred by different investment strategy. Then, this thesis comes out with suggestions for C Company to make further FDI in the three countries, which can also be referred when C Company is making investment in developing and developed countries. Hopefully, this thesis can provide some useful information for other state-owned small and medium foreign trade companies in terms of strategy shift.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】F752
  • 【下载频次】189