

The Gains and Losses of Ex Situ Conservation of Traditional Huizhou Style Folk Houses

【作者】 杨乐

【导师】 张颀;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 徽派民居是我国民居遗产的重要组成部分,近年来,徽州的古村落相继得到了保护与开发,可由于数量众多分布较广,部分徽派民居在年久失修中走向破败与湮灭。以我国目前的发展水平和经济能力,传统民居的保护不可能一蹴而就,完全实现所有民居的原址保护并不现实,随着徽派民居易地保护的案例逐步增多,引起了众多的讨论,针对该方法“是保护还是破坏”的问题,社会各界争议不断。本文通过实地调研,总结目前徽派民居的保护现状,揭示了其存在的问题。并且,通过研究徽派民居易地保护的案例,本文记述了商业倒卖的操作过程,剖析了易地保护在建筑、环境、经济等考量角度下的成败得失。尽管作为一种特殊的保护方式,易地保护在一定程度上挽救了濒危的民居,但也同时带来对文化价值的破坏,因此具有积极与消极的矛盾性;特别是古宅买卖的热潮在资本逐利的本性下走向了易地保护的反面,应加以严格的控制与监督。在实践与理论基础之上,本论文提出从四个关键方面对徽派民居易地保护进行控制:首先是易地保护对象与操作人的资格筛选;其次是在易地保护前期与过程中建立信息记录与建档机制;第三是在迁建过程中给予专业的指导、分级控制,并在施工过程中延续民间匠师的技艺;第四是在迁建完成后,政府应督促使用者对建筑进行长期的维护。最后,本文通过对我国民居保护现状的概述,借鉴国内外民居保护研究的先进经验,从法规的完善与全面的普查统计、保护模式的多样性、公众参与三个方面探讨了新时期下我国民居的保护策略。

【Abstract】 Huizhou style folk architecture is an important part of traditional houses in china. Although more and more ancient villages in Huizhou are protected and developed sequentially in recent years, some of folk houses are still lacking of protection and ruined because of large number and widespread. According to present situation in china, it is unreality to protect all the folk houses on their sites. As cases of ex situ conservation of Huizhou style folk houses increased, it rises a hot discussion: ex situ conservation is protection or destruction?According to field research, this paper described the current status of the protection of Huizhou style folk houses , made a study of cases of ex situ conservation, exposed operation of current business reselling, analysis gains and losses of ex situ conservation from architectural, environmental and economic points. As a special conservation, ex situ conservation saves the endangered folk houses, on the other hand, causes damage to cultural values ,so it has a double meaning of positive and negative. Especially in the trading of folk house, it goes to opposite of protection because pursuit of profit, which should be strict controlled by the government.Based on the practice and theory, this paper obtained four aspects of controls of Huizhou style traditional folk house for ex situ conservation,including choice of folk house and operator; record information of the house before and during ex situ conservation; give professional guidance and hierarchical control, protect the skills of folk craftsmen; while relocation is completed, government should urge the users’long-term maintenance of the building. Finally, this paper discussed protection strategies of our traditional folk house form three aspects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】TU241.5;TU-87
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】265
  • 攻读期成果