

Study on Soundscape Design of Haihe Coastwise Area and Its Expression Method According to Acoustical Envir Onment Investigation

【作者】 张森

【导师】 马蕙;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在城市规划设计与建筑设计快速发展的社会,人们往往只注重形象空间的塑造,而忽略了听觉感官的需求。本文以海河亲水空间声景观设计为基础,提出声景观的设计流程模型及最终的表达方式,借此为声景观的发展提出一个新的思考方向。首先,本文总结了国内外声景观研究内容的发展,探讨了声景观研究的范围和目的,并根据当前的声景观在设计和表达方面研究存在的不足,确定了研究方向。其次,通过运用物理测量、社会调查和固定地点采样,对海河亲水空间的代表节点津湾广场进行了一年四个季度的声环境调查。收集反映该区域声环境特点的数据,包括声音要素的构成、声压级、以及人们对这个区域的主观评价等。分析所得到区域声音环境数据的变化以及它们之间的联系,通过SPSS统计软件分析了声环境的舒适度与环境舒适度的相关性。此外,还通过问卷调查,查明了津湾广场现有的主导声音要素是道路交通噪声和建筑的施工声,并且广场空旷,给人的感觉单一、乏味。最后,针对调查区域声环境存在的问题,借鉴凯文林奇的城市意象理论提出了能展现声环境现状的认知地图概念,表达出津湾广场的声环境的一些基本特点。并依据前期的调查结果和认知地图总结的声环境问题,进行了具体的声景观设计,提出了平面表达和多媒体表达两种表达方式。通过实验对比发现,多媒体表达方式比平面表达方式更易于被人们所接受。在此基础上,依据津湾广场的设计流程总结出一套声景观的设计模型。本文的主要创新点在于声景观设计流程和声景设计表达形式上的研究。长久以来,声景观对于大众来说是一个陌生的领域,这也影响了声景观的自身发展。而声景观设计又离不开各个领域的交叉,涉及到城市规划、建筑设计、景观设计、心理学以及社会学等。因此,一个可供大众交流的平台显得十分必要,基于此点本文提出了认知地图表达概念和声景观的两种表达形式,想以此抛砖引玉,为声景观的研究提出新的方向。同时声景观设计流程及模式的探讨也为声景观设计实践提供了科学化模式。

【Abstract】 With the development of urban and architectural design, people tend to focus on shaping the image space but ignore the demand of auditory sensory. Based on the sound landscape design of Haihe river coastwise area, this paper explores the soundscape design process model and the final expression method, and make a new direction of thinking the sound scape development.First, this article summarizes the development of soundscape research in domestic and foreign content, discussed the scope and purpose of soundscape, and identified the research direction in accordance with the current shortcomings of soundscape design and expression method.Second, by physical measurement, social surveys and fixed location sampling, acoustical environmental investigation of Haihe coastwise area was carried out in four seasons. The data including sound pressure level, characteristics of visitors, people’s preference of each sound element, and the correlation of sound elements with overall environment and subjective evaluation and expectation of sound environment in this area was tried to be analyzed though the SPSS statistical software in order to explore the general acoustical situation in this area. In addition, through this survey, the road traffic noise and the construction noise were identified as dominant sound elements of Jinwan square.Finally, against the acoustic environment problems surveyed in the area and learning from Kevin Lynch’s―Image of the City‖, the paper proposed the―cognitive map‖concept to show the sound state of environment, and expressed some basic features of Jinwan Square. Based on preliminary findings and the summary of the sound environment, the paper did some specific soundscape design, and made two expressions, including flat expression and multimedia expression. By comparing experiments, it was found that multimedia presentation was more easily accepted than the flat. On this basis, the paper summed up a soundscape design model according to the Jinwan Square’s design procession.The main innovation of this paper was the research of soundscape design process and expression of soundscape design. For a long time, the soundscape for the general public was an unfamiliar area, which also affects its own development. But the soundscape was inseparable from some other areas, involving urban planning, architectural design, landscape design, psychology and sociology. Thus, a platform for mass communication was very necessary. Based on it, this paper proposed―cognitive map‖concept and two expressions of soundscape, which is the way to initiate studies for proposing the new direction of soundscape design. The investigation of soundscape design process and pattern also provided a scientific model for soundscape design.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期