

The Design and Achievement of Integrated Information Platform for Group Enterprises

【作者】 周飞

【导师】 李晓红; 李学忠;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 软件工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着企业多元化发展趋势,企业组织的结构不断调整,经营管理模式持续进化,企业主体也不断在资本运作下进行着分化整合。然而大型企业却往往拥有复杂的异构系统,这使得整合后系统间信息的交互与业务的协同非常困难,信息系统的集成已成为制约信息化发挥最大效能的瓶颈。为了解决这一问题,中国工程机械总公司在国家信息技术应用“倍增计划”的支持下,规划实施了《集团化企业信息集成平台》项目。本项目主要业务逻辑和服务组件使用JAVA语言开发并选用基于面向服务架构(Service Oriented Architecture,SOA)的系统应用集成方案,在应用界面、应用数据和应用逻辑层面对系统进行综合集成,最大限度的保证项目对企业原有系统的兼容性和对未来的拓展性。项目中尤其实现了多个异构ERP系统的数据共享与业务重组,通过对核心业务需求的分析,建立企业服务总线,经由接口和契约映射,实现原有ERP系统功能模块的重用,达到了集团层面业务流程重组的目标。通过本项目,实现了集团公司对下属企业内部各应用系统及其应用数据的有效集中管理,实现了集团企业内部各应用系统界面的集成、数据的集成及工作流的集成,特别是解决了集团企业的异构ERP系统之间的纵向集成问题,通过降低人力成本和提升资金物资周转率,为企业间接创造百万元价值。论文先对信息系统集成思想及技术进行了研究分析,然后对集团化企业信息集成平台系统进行了整体介绍,其次对系统集成的核心功能——全局ERP系统集成的需求、设计与实现进行了分析介绍,描述了从需求分析到系统实现的详细过程。

【Abstract】 As the development of enterprise diversification, the adjustment of the structureof enterprise organizations and the sustaining evolution of enterprise managementmode, the enterprise entity is also being differentiated and integrated under the capitaloperation. However, the large-scale enterprises possess the complicatedheterogeneous systems, which make the synergism of the information between thesystems integrated more difficult, the integration of information system has becomethe largest bottleneck which restricts the expression of the maximum efficiency ofinformation. In order to solve this problem, China National Construction Corporationplans and implements the project of Groups Enterprises Information IntegrationPlatform under the support of the multiplication plan of national informationtechnologies application.The main business logic and serviced components of this project employs JAVAand develop and select the system application integration plan of Service OrientedArchitecture (SOA), meanwhile, the integration of application interface, applicationdata and application logic ensures the compatibility of the project to the originalsystem of enterprise and the expansibility of the project to the future. In this project,it achieves the data sharing and business restructuring of several heterogeneous ERPsystem, setting up Enterprise Service Bus, through the receiving terminal and plannedprojection, the original function interface section is then reactivated. Therefore, theobjective of mission restructuring on corporation level has been achieved.For corporations, the project leads to more efficient centralized management ofthe internal application system and data within their affiliated enterprises. Moreover,the integration of respective application interface, application data and applicationlogic is achieved within the corporation network. Most importantly, the problems thatarose from longitudinal integration among ERP systems, which are originally invariant structures. Therefore, as the labour cost reduces, while the rate of flow offlexible funds increases, and hence the enterprises could obtain a indirect margin ofa million dollars through this revolution. First, the employment of the integration plan of this project is analyzed by thearticle, in the meantime, it gives sort of a general introduction of the integrationsystem of Group enterprise information. Secondly, it introduces and analyzes thecore function of system integration --- the requirement, design and achievement ofGlobal ERP system integration.

【关键词】 集团企业信息化集成SOA
【Key words】 group enterpriseinformationintegrationSOA
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】92