

Market-based Identification of Small Type Design

【作者】 徐涛

【导师】 曾坚; 赵继龙;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 国家住宅建设新政策要求:套型面积90㎡以下居住用房的面积必须超过总开发建设面积的70%。本文通过现在住宅市场中,己被老百姓接受或者百姓所向往喜爱的能够满足核心家庭使用要求的住宅户型进行研究:1.总结出了90平方米以下中小户型设计中存在的问题,得到关于此类户型的设计原则、方法、户型模式、户型布局、空间处理以及每个功能空间的设计方式,以期能对房地产开发企业及建筑师设计有所启示。2.探索适合我国当代住户居住的户型模式以及今后住宅的发展方向。找到一种可以被“激活”的模式,设计师或住宅开发商可以通过这种模式去创造出更多、更好、更加优秀的住宅户型,从而不断地满足人们不断变化的居住需求。3.进一步促进广大居民居住质量的提高。在“90·70”新政策出台后,更多的90平方米以下户型将大量出现。在90平方米标准建设的户型面积总量已经确定的情况下,如何在有限的面积内提高户型的功能性,使户型空间有一定的适应性将是每个设计者及房地产企业需要面对的问题。

【Abstract】 State policy requires that new residential construction: dwelling area of 90㎡ of housing (including affordable housing) area proportion of the total area of development and construction must meet more than 70%. In this paper, now in the housing market, people have been accepted or favorite people aspire to meet the requirements of the nuclear family residential units to study:1.Summarizes a 90㎡ medium design problems, such units to be on design principles, methods, house model, house layout, spatial processing and design methods for each function space, with a view to real estate development companies and architects design inspiration.2.Exploring our contemporary mode of households living in apartment and future residential development. Find a way to be "active" mode, the designer or residential developers to create this model can be more, better, more excellent residential units, in order to continuously meet the changing housing needs.3.To further promote our way of living quality. In the "90·70" after the introduction of the new policy, more than 90㎡ apartment to large numbers. 90㎡ of standard construction of the total house area have been identified, how to improve within a limited area of the functional units, the units have some room for flexibility and each designer will need to face the real estate business the problem.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】TU241
  • 【下载频次】222